Nuclear Pasta? New Type of Matter Found in a Neutron Star


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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A rare state of matter dubbed "nuclear pasta" appears to exist only inside ultra-dense objects called neutron stars, astronomers say. There, the nuclei of atoms get crammed together so tightly that they arrange themselves in patterns akin to pasta shapes — some in flat sheets like lasagna and others in spirals like fusilli. And these formations are likely responsible for limiting the maximum rotation speed of these stars, according to a new study.
Didn't Homer tell Stephen Hawking his theory of a Donut Shaped Universe? Well there is pasta in neutron stars apparently.
Once uppon a time little mice were dreaming that the moon was made of cheese. I have no doubt Garfield will greatly appreaciate that discovery - lasagna stars, how about that ?
it really sad that Robert L Forward could see this news anymore, he died in 2002

His novel "Dragon's Egg" and "Star Quake" feature life on Neutron star,
and the intelligent species Cheela, what german review described as them as "Pizza with eyeballs"

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