Nuclear effect fireball

Tomahawk missile fan

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19 September 2022
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I'm most favorite nuclear effect fireball is Castle Romeo shot mushroom cloud.
Beautiful 11 MT yield mushroom cloud.


  • 612px-Castle_Romeo.jpg
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  • 1200px-Castle_Romeo_001.jpg
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The Tsar Bomb's stem seemed thin, like atomic shells. Mike looked like the strongest to my untrained eye. The way the photography was set up? Humidity?
The Tsar Bomb's stem seemed thin, like atomic shells. Mike looked like the strongest to my untrained eye. The way the photography was set up? Humidity?
Detonation altitude.

Tsar Bomba - The bomb was dropped by parachute from a Tu-95V aircraft, and detonated autonomously 4,000 metres (13,000 ft)
Castle Romeo - It was detonated on March 26, 1954, at Bikini Atoll of the Marshall Islands, on a barge moored in the middle of the crater from the Castle Bravo test.
Soviet's Tsar-Bomba is yield of 50 megaton of TNT.
But, Tsar-Bomba is max yield 100 megaton of TNT.
If 100 megaton Tsar-Bomba drop in Japan, i think erase Japan country.

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