Now here's some high-quality fraud


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5 April 2006
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Snow has fallen? High time to lay some asphalt!

1) Wait for it to snow
2) Send out the road crews to lay asphalt over the snow and ice
3) The asphalt will bond very poorly to the existing asphalt... if at all
4) Within months, the asphalt will break apart due to being just a thin layer not really stuck to anything
5) The roads become trashed
6) Send out the road crews again to fix the roads
7) ...
8) Profit!

LOL! So THAT's what Orionblamblam looks like?! Or is this also a "high-quality fraud"? ;D
Unless we get to know for sure (which may be never) I much prefer to imagine you as this mad mustachio'd cigar-smoker than as the ever-so irritating Dr. House!
that's an old play Moscow and local area/city authorities perform since early 90s
new and prospective sequel is pawing tile surviving barely a month (much more expensive=more profit!)
That's the way the ministry of infrastructure rip off the Belgians, since the first asphalt road was build in this absurd kingdom….
Michel Van said:
That's the way the ministry of infrastructure rip off the Belgians, since the first asphalt road was build in this absurd kingdom….

Oh come on. You know it feels like home when you come back from a car trip abroad and feel those bumps in the road again :)
Michel Van said:
That's the way the ministry of infrastructure rip off the Belgians, since the first asphalt road was build in this absurd kingdom….

At least y'all won't have to worry about too many new Belgian citizens...

Belgium shut to new citizens in 2013Not a single foreigner has yet been naturalised in Belgium under a law that came into force on 1 January 2013, it appears. The new rules require applicants to "have shown, or be able to show, outstanding services to Belgium" in fields such as science, sport or culture.

An interesting approach. The BBC article leaves unmentioned any suggestion *why* Belgium might be interested in limiting new citizens.
Gentleman I see you find amazing the Russian laying asphalt over the snow/ice. Well I've to say sadly they "at least" they put something on the routes.

I live in Argentina were our politicians have a very nice trick, the steps are:

1) Choose a big thing: like a speedway, a bridge, a train over a lot of kilometers.
2) Announce the build of the "thing" with all the fanfare.Speak a lot how good is it for the "people".
3) Get some international credits. Pay for geological, ambient, etc analysis to companies related to the politicians of course.
4) Time passes. The money ends on the pockets of politicians and companies which do the pre-build analysis.
5) Repeat from point 1

If for some strange event they do something it's going to cost 30 times the original cost and it takes ages. As example an speedway between the second and third cities in Argentina takes 30 years and a lot of money. Ah, the length is just 560 kilometers.

The Russian looks like beginners they're really putting something on the routes, that's lost money ;)
Orionblamblam said:
Michel Van said:
That's the way the ministry of infrastructure rip off the Belgians, since the first asphalt road was build in this absurd kingdom….

At least y'all won't have to worry about too many new Belgian citizens...

Belgium shut to new citizens in 2013Not a single foreigner has yet been naturalised in Belgium under a law that came into force on 1 January 2013, it appears. The new rules require applicants to "have shown, or be able to show, outstanding services to Belgium" in fields such as science, sport or culture.

An interesting approach. The BBC article leaves unmentioned any suggestion *why* Belgium might be interested in limiting new citizens.

Hmmm, quite the misunderstanding. All we have is a secretary of immigration who has a more hardline approach to naturalization. People are getting naturalized all the time. Just fewer of them, I guess. BBC sure dropped the ball on this one.

As to why the drastic new law? The moderate right party ( called The liberal party, that might cause a chuckle) wants to take some wind out of the sails of successful parties even more to the right of the political spectrum. Those parties partly thrive on blaming the lacks centrum and leftish parties for the nightmare that immigration policy has become here. It's a complex situation that encompasses the refugee problem ( Afghans, people from the Middle East, from all over Africa, etc.), organized crime ( who use Belgium as transit state to the UK / dumping ground for refugees) and a public sentiment stirred up by the extreme rightish parties that immigrants are at least partially to blame for the problems Belgium is now facing. Not the stuff that needs to be discussed here, I guess.

All the other stuff is true though: french fries are Belgian, we have the best beers, our judo athletes take drugs but have no recollection of it, our national soccer team has risen from the dead and is finally living up to their name and feeling like the underdog is the great national passtime.

Also, an illustration of what Michel Van's post implies. This is a typical highway after a Belgian winter with some snow:
Orionblamblam said:
Firefly 2 said:
our national soccer team has risen from the dead ...

Huh. Would soccer ("football") actually be *less* dull and uninteresting if actually played by zombies? That's bears thinkin' on.

Don't ask me. I'm an MMA guy.

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