This may be the wrong place to post this--and moderators, please don't hesitate to shift it elsewhere if it better fits another category--but I don't recall seeing very many images of the XT37. This pic was published in the December 2, 1946 issue of Aviation News, and the caption says that "work started on the 2,400 hp. engine in 1941 and it was first run in 1944." The picture was taken at the National Aircraft Show, held in Cleveland, Ohio just previously, and this was said to have been its first public exhibition. Anyone have any other/better pics?
BTW, there's a cutaway mounted on the front of the engine stand, but it's not at all clear how the cutaway is related to the engine...perhaps simply suggestive of how the engine was supposed to work?
BTW, there's a cutaway mounted on the front of the engine stand, but it's not at all clear how the cutaway is related to the engine...perhaps simply suggestive of how the engine was supposed to work?