Northrop Grumman TR6 Telos

Such "stuff" is not new, it appeared a couple of years ago in several UFO-oriented or conspirations website, in order to explain the lights that some people saw over Phoenix in 1997.

Obviously, it is emh... unlikely that some vehicle like the one depicted could be real at all.... ;)
Do you think the UFO buffs are going to be upset when they learn that their "electrogravitic" propulsion system is really just helium being used in a hybrid aircraft? ;)

BTW, whoever made that image didn't really think through their wing fold mechanism. It would have been better to make the hinge line the same angle as the wing tip, from both an LO perspective and a space saving perspective.
Sundog said:
BTW, whoever made that image didn't really think through their wing fold mechanism. It would have been better to make the hinge line the same angle as the wing tip, from both an LO perspective and a space saving perspective.

But perhaps not from an aerodynamic perspective, as there could be some undesirable vortices forming at the angle. That's where an aerodynamics specialist would be appreciated...
Vortices forming in the hangar ?
I don't think, that a hinge line would present a big problem aerodynamically.
Wasn't much of a problem for many carrier based jets, but with regards to
stealth it could surely have severe effects.
But perhaps we should wait until The ISS is manned by a crew purely made
up of US citizens again. Could give interesting photos ! ;D
Jemiba said:
Vortices forming in the hangar ?

Sorry, I hadn't taken a close look at the document. From Sundog's remark I wrongly infered that the wings could be folded both on the ground ("a space saving perspective") and in flight ("an LO perspective"). Of course if the LO aspect concerns only the grounded aircraft, then aerodynamics has nothing to do with the way the wings fold!!! :-[
As Aircraft looks the TR6 atrocious instabile to fly.
and about "electrogravitic" propulsion system, it's new hype under conspirator and UFO fanatics

in 1980s it was nuclear propulsion system in all secret Aircraft, after this Cash-Landrum incident in Texas
in 1990s it was Antigravity drive using element 115 according to Bob Lazar
in 2000s it became "Electromagnetic can behave like Gravity under certain condition" engine

yeah sure that work in theory without violation of Einstein Theory
But, you need a very dense magnetic fluid that rotate in a ring, very very very fast to produce that effect
how fast ? near speed of light !
how dense ? neutronium that's the stuff neutron stars are made off !

so good luck in R&D on that Hardware...
But, all those cold and impersonal rationality besides, you have to admit,
that this vehicle is ideal for the season, that's now again starting in earnest:
There was never something, that would make such a good sleigh for Father Xmas !
VTOL, stealth (even visually !), judging the propulsion system it's probably very quiet
and with that size it should have a reasonable payload for a lot of Playstations, Smart-
phones, Barby dolls and Lego sets ...
Jemiba said:
There was never something, that would make such a good sleigh for Father Xmas !

I'm begging to differ...

Well, yes, but you certainly would have to be a quite large trailer, maybe in the shape of
a similar UAV. And, without VTOL capability, delivery would have to be accomplished by a
kind of precision guided socks, using a steep dive at the end of their flight path to enter
the chimney ?
So my idea was, that Father Xmas would be fast roping from the TELOS, hovering invisibly
above the roof. A bit saddish, the reindeers obviously are already fired, hopefully not ending
in the slaughter house !
Sorry, I 'm afraid, we somehow lost the appropriate seriousness ! ;)
Believe it or not I saw one of these last night at 9:45 pm CT US. Between 5,000 and 7,500 feet altitude heading NE in single line trajectory point forward. Looks nearly identical to original image post but smaller I would say but not by much. It did have its electronic CAMO on as it appeared translucent and matched the sky color but you could see it was still there. I live in Texas and this aircraft is commonly reported as Alien UFOs. Very cool technology - moves very fast and totally silent. B
Where do all these kind of images originate from and why do they always seem depict such impractical craft. ;D
Well you UK'ers must all be pretty dense if you think this technology isn't already available. Maybe in merry old England you still burn coal furnaces and live in the dark ages.
BB said:
Well you UK'ers must all be pretty dense if you think this technology isn't already available. Maybe in merry old England you still burn coal furnaces and live in the dark ages.

I was going to reply but this doesn't deserve a response. Grow up, or get banned.
Such "stuff" is not new, it appeared a couple of years ago in several UFO-oriented or conspirations website, in order to explain the lights that some people saw over Phoenix in 1997.

Obviously, it is emh... unlikely that some vehicle like the one depicted could be real at all.... ;)
It's real. Old technology like the tr3b. Tr3b was the 70's. It was sold to the Elite's as a toy. So if you see one it's a global elitist not an alien. The cigar shaped are old too. Those are from the late 60's early 70's.
They have new one's now. It would blow your mind to see the technology in current day. It's not for the public.
Such "stuff" is not new, it appeared a couple of years ago in several UFO-oriented or conspirations website, in order to explain the lights that some people saw over Phoenix in 1997.

Obviously, it is emh... unlikely that some vehicle like the one depicted could be real at all.... ;)
It's real. Old technology like the tr3b. Tr3b was the 70's. It was sold to the Elite's as a toy. So if you see one it's a global elitist not an alien. The cigar shaped are old too. Those are from the late 60's early 70's.
They have new one's now. It would blow your mind to see the technology in current day. It's not for the public.
Please go on. It sounds like you have some really fantastic insight that none of us are privy to.

EDIT: Since the sarcasm was not detected let me clearly mark it as such.
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What if "they" are testing a new form of "stealth?"
Did you notice the electronic emitters on the wing-tips of F-35 ... just to confuse Russian radars?
Perhaps "they" are using yehudi lights and various other forms of distractions to confuse observers?
The same craft has been seen in the Australian desert using a reflective shield to be shielded from the naked eye.
What if "they" are testing a new form of "stealth?"
Did you notice the electronic emitters on the wing-tips of F-35 ... just to confuse Russian radars?
Perhaps "they" are using yehudi lights and various other forms of distractions to confuse observers?
something like a crystal screen to reflect a camera image that transmits the image from the bottom
Maybe the B2 crew saw something, as they were parked very close......

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