Northrop F-102 Fang


ACCESS: Restricted
8 October 2009
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Hi all

Started my new project. Line art is now done after 6.5 hours. Most of that pouring over the mock ups and deciding which actual aircraft would serve as stand in parts that the mock up didn't show.


The next step is deciding on colour schemes. A SEA is on the cards for sure, perhaps ANG and AFRES (think AFRES F-105s in all those awesome schemes) and perhaps some foreign operators.
What a beautiful drawing it is! I want to see a 3 side view drawing, too.
Here is some artwork I did some times ago for the magazine Le Fana (in fact I did it but never was selected for the article). If it can give you some ideas. I would like to see your final artwork, though.


  • NF-102.jpg
    454.9 KB · Views: 664
alanqua said:
Here is some artwork I did some times ago for the magazine Le Fana (in fact I did it but never was selected for the article). If it can give you some ideas. I would like to see your final artwork, though.

Very nice, Alain! Wonder why they didn't pick this artwork for their article... :(

Actually, the truth is: I like this NF-102 topic, and I wanted to produce a nice 3-views plan in prototype color for the article of Le Fana de l'Aviation. But the editor told me that the article had been already written and that the author (Alain Pelletier) would produce its own plan. So I kind of gave up, nevertheless, I did a prototype with a whatif anyway and sent it to him later.
The difficulty was that there are not a lof of details on the NF-102, I only got photos from the mock-up. So I tried to imagine how could have looked a prototype of this aircraft. I tried to add some dirts and defaults, like on a old or very used aircraft. I was just doing some trials. For the whatif, I based my work on the F-106 to add some similar details.
This work had been done quite rapidly and it would have been necessary to spend more time to make it more realistic.
But I wanted to share my ideas and proposals with you guys. I can't wait to see the result of our friend who started the thread!

alanqua said:
Here is some artwork I did some times ago for the magazine Le Fana (in fact I did it but never was selected for the article). If it can give you some ideas. I would like to see your final artwork, though.

Absolutely nice!!!

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