North American Aviation project for a "V-2 launched" interceptor


ACCESS: Confidential
25 September 2009
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Found among documents of the North American Aviation archives at Boeing. Can anyone here help identify the project of the late 1940s period? It is only referred to as the "V-Plane." Nothing else was written on the document - or artwork. Any help at all greatly appreciated - Thanks


  • NAA bv850.jpg
    NAA bv850.jpg
    37.3 KB · Views: 288
The only thing I can think of, is that the "V-Plane" might refer to it being launched by a V-2. plane does not appear to have any form of propulsion - which would fit with that idea. The wings would definitely stick out of any enpennage - so it would be a difficult project to bring to fruition.The

As to "BV850" - did any of the Blom und Voss designers make it to the States?
starviking said:
As to "BV850" ...

Figured it out. I did a Google image search on BV850, and came up with this image immediately... on well-known "Nazi Wunderwaffen" crank Arndt's site. Not only did he pilfer the image and text from my site ( without proper attribution, he changed the filename of the image to add his own special bullcrap flair.
"V-Plane" as in "Victory Plane", maybe? Doubtful though, design looks late 1940s-ish, not wartime.
Orionblamblam said:
starviking said:
As to "BV850" ...

Figured it out. I did a Google image search on BV850, and came up with this image immediately... on well-known "Nazi Wunderwaffen" crank Arndt's site. Not only did he pilfer the image and text from my site ( without proper attribution, he changed the filename of the image to add his own special bullcrap flair.

Ah, so he manufactures bullshit...
I like your explanation this particular bird better than the explanation was presented by Rob Arndt on another forum. I trust your site better because it is more credible than Mr. Arndt's site - especially his site or sub-site on disc aircraft. He is totally full of bull-shit as you say. And again, thank you Orionblamblam for your concise explanation at your site.
The "BV850" moniker is from Rob Arndt's site - to the best of my knowledge. Thanks again Orionblamblam, I trust your explanation on this concept. Many, many thanks.
North American Aviation V-2-Launched Rocket Powered Interceptor

Hmmm. Looks to me like it was meant to be a high altitude point interceptor. 4 gunports that I can see, probably for .50 inch M2 HMGs. Was it intended to be also armed with a pop-out launcher or two for 'Mighty Mouse' rockets, do you think?
Sadly, it seems that the the sum total of the worlds knowledge about this design can be summed up with:

"I took that photo of a poorly reproduced copy of that illustration in the Boeing archive, and all the info that the archivists had on it was what was sribbled on the sheet itself."

It was *apparently* a North American project for a "V-2 launched" interceptor. That's it. No date (clearly post-war), no dimensions, no data. Everything else is pure speculation.
Under MX numbers by Andreas Parsch there's a Project designated MX-655 that says: Supersonic Airplane. It may or may not be part of the air vehicle. -SP

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