Next Generation Tactical UAS Technology Demonstration (NGTUAS-TD) Program


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24 November 2008
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Army to hold flight demo to develop next-gen unmanned aircraft

...the U.S. Army plans to conduct a science and technology-level demonstration of a next-generation tactical unmanned aircraft system that would replace the Shadow and the Gray Eagle.
The service has roughly $2 million budgeted to begin the effort in fiscal year 2017 to conduct studies.
The results of those studies will guide the Army’s focus on the next phase in 2018 where the plan is to conduct a configuration trades assessment
The service will then analyze conceptual designs and make decisions in 2019 about what it would actually like built and flown.

Keen to see the proposals. Especially because runway independence seems to be a requirement.

BR Michael
They have intentionally left the term "runway independent" undefined to get as many ideas as possible.

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