Next Generation Logistics


12 February 2017
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As for Transportation Command’s interest in exploring the use of SpaceX’s Starship for ferrying troops and cargo to far-flung battlefields, Roper waxed enthusiastic — but cautioned that in the near future the only funding likely will continue to be for small R&D and exploratory efforts.

“But I hope that we won’t turn a blind eye, because I do think there’s really interesting thinking,” he said. “When you can launch an austere airbase in a space capsule, that’s frickin’ awesome! Just to be able to just have it come down, halfway around the world, with everything you need to be able to maintain and operate a small fleet of airplanes — refuel it, rearm it and get it back in the fight.”

“That may be a really awesome concept to pair with something like Next-Generation Air Dominance,” he added. “And if there’s not next-generation logistics to go with Next-Generation Air Dominance, then we’re going to be missing a critical opportunity.”

You don't win a war without winning the logistic train race. At the convergence point of NGAD, Air forces and Space Force, manned & unmanned, heavily armored or air transportable, IMAR or Long range fire, blue waters Naval force and Marines, there will be an air transport command.
But what could it be tomorrow? What platforms?

Quote from Dr W. Roper, Air Force acquisition czar by
Using Starship for special forces that’s a new one.
Take into context the Iranian scenario where C-130 were supposed to land in a stadium and then rangers make their way to the embassy. With Starship, it's nearly a done deal with a probable closer landing, to the nearest roundabout!

(for the reader that guessed, it's true that I am repeating myself here. Sorry)
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Obviously, it's becoming an obsession... But early simulation shows that it does work!


This is a 300t landing vehicle on compressed sands.

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