Next-Generation AirLift Aircraft (NGAL)


12 February 2017
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Future Tech​

Lamontagne also speculated on the requirements for a future airlifter to succeed the C-5 and C-17—the Next-Generation Airlift aircraft, or NGAL—saying it will not only have to be stealthy, but will have more missions than simply hauling people and cargo.

“We’re doing the capabilities-based assessment right now,” he reported. “That will take a couple of months to deliver, and it is basically evaluating, ‘hey, what kind of capabilities do we need in the future?’”

Lamontagne said key factors will include cargo capacity, range, survivability, and connectivity.

“I’d also say, we shouldn’t just look at it as an airlifter. … We should be doing more than one thing on an airplane, and I think the CBA will eventually lead to an [analysis of alternatives] and hopefully tease out some of the capabilities and the right things to make our Air Force and the joint force stronger,” he said.

You can also refer to this thread as an introduction to the discussion:

Cue yet another BWB concept that will get canned.
BWB look great on paper and in scale model form , but when you would want to make a pressurised cabin for it much of the aerodynamic efficiency goes out the window by the added weight of making a pressure hull for BWB. Moving away from commercial platforms is not very likely except in UAV form
BWB look great on paper and in scale model form , but when you would want to make a pressurised cabin for it much of the aerodynamic efficiency goes out the window by the added weight of making a pressure hull for BWB. Moving away from commercial platforms is not very likely except in UAV form
The only part that needs pressurization is the part with people in. I'm not convinced BWB is an efficient planform for hauling equipment, but it could certainly be used for a tanker.
The only part that needs pressurization is the part with people in. I'm not convinced BWB is an efficient planform for hauling equipment, but it could certainly be used for a tanker.
Like said no one is moving from commercial platforms -aka airliners to expensive to justify. So if BWB is made as an airliner then it will be pressurised.Cargo aircraft like C-17 have cargo bays pressurized and heated, no one has just pilot cabin pressurized. But like said tankers could be made unmanned then BWB might become real.
Cargo aircraft like C-17 have cargo bays pressurized and heated, no one has just pilot cabin pressurized.
The only reason C-17 pressurizes and heats the cargo bay is that it's also used for personnel. If it was just the equipment in there then you could do without the pressurization - though you might also need the loadies in there on oxygen depending on mission. A tanker can put everyone in the cockpit for the entire mission, and essentially that's what A330-MRTT and KC-45 do, they just also happen to have a pressurized passenger cabin behind the cockpit due to their airliner origins.
Really?! With batteries becoming more of a generalized tech, pressurized cargo bay are certainly very high on the wish list.
It´s one thing to get the range to cruise from one continent to another at level 300. And another at 150...
As an example, US Military didn´t recommend flying Submarine batteries above 15000ft (I put the according document in MH370 thread).

You also have to think that in many case short field landing will impart more constraints on the design than pressurization.

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