Newtown Aircraft Co. Emu


ACCESS: Restricted
21 March 2010
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Very strange photograph in one of the recent warbird magazines shows what is supposed to be
a Newtown Aircraft Emu restored at a museum in South Austraila. It looks like a collection of parts
from other aircraft. The caption said it may be a purpose built instructiona airframe. A quick search on the web produced no results. Is this a hoax or an obscure purpose built instructional airframe? The wings do not look right no washout, actually the nearest wingtip is twisted up. Seems like it would stall first. Plane looks deadly or fake. But....... Anyone in South Austraila know about this machine? Thanks in advance
Hi Mike I live just down the road of the plane you have mentioned if there is any info you need I would be happy to go and ask thanks john

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