New Zealand proposes taxing cow burps, angering farmers


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 November 2007
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Well, if they could just harness those cow burps and use the energy. An interesting engineering problem.

Here is a link to what is actually going on rather than a simplistic, click bait article:

You will note that one of the things they point out is that "Agriculture and livestock produce about half of New Zealand's total greenhouse gas emissions", so in trying to address the overall problem they can't ignore this and have to do something. They also recognise that "New Zealand's economy relies on our environment and the primary production it supports, like farming, forestry, and fishing." so are actually also at great risk to potential climate changes resulting from environmental degradation. This is also part of a broader plan addressing multiple aspects not just simplistic changes such as that article would suggest.
IIRC, there's been much good work done on how comparatively small changes to animal nutrition can mitigate 'farts' and waste disposal.

Bit like 'field beans' / 'baked beans': IIRC, some cultivars are notoriously 'methanogenic', others much less so. Snag, as I understand it, is the latter are less resilient / crop lighter etc etc...

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