New Super Hornet UAP video from 2015

odd thing on video is

The pilots laughing about moment as they focus on the object with there equipment.
They are not asking what it is or are not perplex about the object, like other UFO encounters.
sound more they knew what that thing was

but i not sure what say one of them "get moving target" or "get practice target" ?
Michel Van said:
The pilots laughing about moment as they focus on the object with there equipment.
They are not asking what it is or are not perplex about the object, like other UFO encounters.
Listen closer; the pilot or WSO exclaims:

"What the f*** is that?"
Dragon029 said:
Michel Van said:
The pilots laughing about moment as they focus on the object with there equipment.
They are not asking what it is or are not perplex about the object, like other UFO encounters.
Listen closer; the pilot or WSO exclaims:

"What the f*** is that?"

ThX, the audio quality makes it very difficult for me to understand what they say precisely
Thanks (moderator) for update w a better video.

Could be a privately funded test vehicle for new propulsion system,
or the traditional black budget program being tested in real world conditions?
If not an unexplainable object.
The video statement: 3 videos approved for release. Does
that mean there is one more video we can expect or was this the
3rd video?
kcran567 said:
Could be a privately funded test vehicle for new propulsion system,
without NOTAMs?
flateric said:
kcran567 said:
Could be a privately funded test vehicle for new propulsion system,
without NOTAMs?

Flateric, I agree. And it makes no sense to test out in the open skies unless they really don't care about what response

we could attempt.

Whoever has this technology is so far ahead, they don't need to comply with NOTAMs or any regulation!

Could be most expensive/valuable tech on the planet.
Without knowing exactly where it was, couldn't it be a case of being so far off shore that it wasn't deemed necessary? Not a lot of general aviation a few hundred miles off shore, and commercial traffic would be well above it.
Why do we only get FLIR imagery with no real enhancement?

Whilst I can accept that there is no heat being generated for propulsion, I don't see much else.

Is the ATFLIR pod the only means of recording they carry?
mrmalaya said:
Why do we only get FLIR imagery with no real enhancement?

Whilst I can accept that there is no heat being generated for propulsion, I don't see much else.

Is the ATFLIR pod the only means of recording they carry?

Possibly because they don't have access to the original source material.

And there is an interesting thread on another forum discussing this film, they think it might be a bird.

The strangeness of the footage is largely a function of the ability of the ATFLIR camera to lock on to a white spot and track it. This accents the visual illusion that the object is moving because the parallax effect.

The bird (or other slow moving object, but I suspect a large soaring sea bird) hypothesis tallies with the angle. The object starts out at 43° to the left, and continues left to 58°

The white dot, whatever it is, would be invisible to the naked eye. It's in NAR mode, which has a FOV of 1.5°. Hence they were ONLY looking at it on the ATFLIR.
Well, having watched many of these things online I have to say that "bird" is what comes to mind for me too.

Given the excitement of the crew though, there must be more that we aren't seeing (unless they are "twitchers").

The infrerence is that we should be excited by the footage, but unless you are reeeally into military grade sensor technology it's less than illuminating.
I just can't help but think, if that's a bird, it's moving incredibly fast *and* straight *and* without any obvious glide angle, AND it's staying really still without any obvious wings.
Perhaps, but the number of videos of UFOs that are birds or bats not being tracked by the camera properly is not insignificant.

I can't see how fast this thing is going, I can't see it's shape and or its orientation because of the poor footage we are being shown.

I'm not saying it is a bird, but I must be missing something because the rest of the net thinks it's flying in a way which rules out a known natural philosophic answer.
Jeb said:
I just can't help but think, if that's a bird, it's moving incredibly fast *and* straight *and* without any obvious glide angle, AND it's staying really still without any obvious wings.

You might want to read the linked thread, much of the motion your are attributing to the object, is actually from the camera, which is not fixed rigidly to the aircraft. And someone has pointed something else out, this footage and the earlier GIMBAL film appear to be clips from the same flight taken about 17 minutes apart.

But wait, it gets curiouser: according to poster Blu3Skies on Reddit,

"if you look to the right side of the sensor overlays you'll see a 4 digit code... That is the laser PRF code set for laser guided munitions.... Gimbal video is PRF code 1688. It took place in 2015 off the East Coast. Go Fast video is PRF code 1688. Articles sight [sic] it as taking place off the East Coast. Gimbal and Go Fast are both pieces of the same video it appears. No discrepancies in location or time as of now, however, this begs the question whether TTSA is cutting and feeding these videos to us to keep funds rolling in OR the gov is cutting/splicing and releasing them to TTSA intentionally this way."
mrmalaya said:
Well, having watched many of these things online I have to say that "bird" is what comes to mind for me too.

Given the excitement of the crew though, there must be more that we aren't seeing (unless they are "twitchers").

The infrerence is that we should be excited by the footage, but unless you are reeeally into military grade sensor technology it's less than illuminating.

A bird? Absolutely not. The Atflir cannot even get a designation, the weapon system officer has to manually try and get a track. That is really stretching for a safe explanation. A target track on a wingless egg shaped bird? The f-18 is in a shallow turn and unless there are birds that are transonic, it's no bird. The target is moving without any deviation from its path. No hot spots, no plume.
Graham1973 said:
Jeb said:
I just can't help but think, if that's a bird, it's moving incredibly fast *and* straight *and* without any obvious glide angle, AND it's staying really still without any obvious wings.

You might want to read the linked thread, much of the motion your are attributing to the object, is actually from the camera, which is not fixed rigidly to the aircraft. And someone has pointed something else out, this footage and the earlier GIMBAL film appear to be clips from the same flight taken about 17 minutes apart.

But wait, it gets curiouser: according to poster Blu3Skies on Reddit,

"if you look to the right side of the sensor overlays you'll see a 4 digit code... That is the laser PRF code set for laser guided munitions.... Gimbal video is PRF code 1688. It took place in 2015 off the East Coast. Go Fast video is PRF code 1688. Articles sight [sic] it as taking place off the East Coast. Gimbal and Go Fast are both pieces of the same video it appears. No discrepancies in location or time as of now, however, this begs the question whether TTSA is cutting and feeding these videos to us to keep funds rolling in OR the gov is cutting/splicing and releasing them to TTSA intentionally this way."

I agree. Could be a cut and feed. Disinformation propoganda video to get more funds for "space warfare" or there is also the slight chance it is real ufo or unexplainable object. I'm leaning towards some type of intelligence operation with CIA involvement. Before anyone gets upset these types of Disinformation programs do exist usually to promote a long term agenda.
Computer animation, pilot interviews of Nimitz Tic-Tac Ufo incident off California/ Mexico coast
The controllers asked the Hornets what their loadout was because they didn't want missiles fired at their "gizmo". This is not a "UFO".

It is a UNFO. Unidentified Navy Flying Object.
Thats exactly what I was thinking. some type of (electrogravitic?) test "objects" that the Navy wanted to test in a real world scenario? some type of new advanced drone.

No plumes or exhaust and smooth 40ft. tic tac shape has to be some new form of propulsion. probably mostly a 40 ft. battery or power supply with a guidance system and some exotic propulsion system.
This sounds incredibly hokey. If it were an actual USN program they don't just say, "hey, we got some USN in the area let's go mess with them. . .but somebody give them a call first so they don't try to shoot our toy".
sferrin said:
This sounds incredibly hokey. If it were an actual USN program they don't just say, "hey, we got some USN in the area let's go mess with them. . .but somebody give them a call first so they don't try to shoot our toy".

Yea, well the "intruder" kept coming back several days in a row right on schedule. Does the Navy play with toys from another branch?
Possibly a submarine launched UAV used to establish or identify surface and air contacts. Could possibly by of a foreign 'earthly' nation.
I expect a submarine would be found before launching such a UAV and the maneuvering described is beyond those known too. Temperature fluctuations perhaps or a Vorlon high up official stopping by for sea food.
Old time Groom Lake watcher Tom Mahood had a theory and a source that they used to test a proton particle beam device out there in the desert. Purpose being to spoof radar and possibly disrupt other electronic systems.


A ‘plasma ball’ of the type created would seem to far better account for the movements, radar returns, FLIR images (even perhaps the water disturbance) of the objects seen by Fravor and others during this encounter, than some physical craft exhibiting ‘otherworldly’ performance.

Crew and systems (like the Aegis) on the days in question could unwittingly have become part of a classified test. Especially considering the location: near the San Clemente and Catalina islands, and the timing: during a major composite training exercise.

Such a device would be perfectly located on San Clemente: ‘the Navy's only remaining ship-to-shore live firing range, and the center of the integrated air/land/sea San Clemente Island Range Complex’.

Mr London 24/7, your thought had crossed my mind also,29803.msg322086.html#msg322086
Gimbal: To me at least in the gimbal video it looks like dirt in the optical system. It keeps so well in the center while the camera gimbals.
The rotation looks like the lens that the smudge is stuck to is rotating for focus / zoom.

Go fast: it just looks like a sea skimming missile. It travels its own length in a really short time and travels low. Compare to a subsonic missile:

or the supersonic coyote target
Mr London 24/7 said:
Old time Groom Lake watcher Tom Mahood had a theory and a source that they used to test a proton particle beam device out there in the desert. Purpose being to spoof radar and possibly disrupt other electronic systems.


A ‘plasma ball’ of the type created would seem to far better account for the movements, radar returns, FLIR images (even perhaps the water disturbance) of the objects seen by Fravor and others during this encounter, than some physical craft exhibiting ‘otherworldly’ performance.

Crew and systems (like the Aegis) on the days in question could unwittingly have become part of a classified test. Especially considering the location: near the San Clemente and Catalina islands, and the timing: during a major composite training exercise.

Such a device would be perfectly located on San Clemente: ‘the Navy's only remaining ship-to-shore live firing range, and the center of the integrated air/land/sea San Clemente Island Range Complex’.
Mr London 24/7 and others,
I Respectfully disagree!
Carefully listen to Lt Frayvor, he follows the white "tic tac" object in a circling climbing turn, the object reacts
and follows the F-18, before accelerating suspersonically,
"Like it was shot out of a gun" according ro Lt Frayvor. "Unlike anything I've ever seen"
I would guess that being a super hornet pilot he would know what an
Exocet or Harpoon sea skimming missile would look like. He might even know what
about weather phenomenon like earthquake lights or plasma balls
would look like. Plasma balls usually don't move suspersonically, or organize
into formations of fleets. These objects were following the Nimitz for weeks
and they took turns decending and ascending in and out of the atmosphere
In formations of twenty or more. Natural plasma balls don't react this way. Some sort of
Test objects? Two or three at the most, but a "fleet" of objects? If it is not a Navy
disinformation or propoganda campaign, then what Lt Frayvor was allowed to speak about amounts
to soft disclosure of UFOs in December 2017.
And there was what proof for fleets of Youfo’s exactly?

Released videos show a single anomaly - *maybe*.

Unattributed quotes aren’t worth anything.
Updated video with new Nimitz eyewitnesses coming forward with their story,
and US Air Force officers on the ship right after the incident. One witness
claims he processed a 10 minute video with added details including 90 degree turns,
other objects involved.
New footage starts at 14:00 minute mark

"Pilots are about to receive a new memo from management: If you encounter an unidentified flying object while on the job, please tell us.

The U.S. Navy is drafting new rules for reporting such sightings, according to a recent story from Politico. Apparently, enough incidents have occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” in recent years to prompt military officials to establish a formal system to collect and analyze the unexplained phenomena. Members of Congress and their staffs have even started asking about the claims, and Navy officials and pilots have responded with formal briefings."
If it's from here (I mean Earth), wonder what kind of tech makes it do the things it can do, like super speed, incredible maneuvers...
Can't see how a human body could survive in these Tictacs. So maybe kind of drones.
Or a system that displays objects , like holograms. Something to lure humans (an radars) into seeing something flying around.
Could be a new kind of deceiving weapon...
starter for 10? (see Mr London's earlier posts)

Particle Beams and Saucer Dreams
"Technically, the stopping power of a particle beam, given as a loss of energy per distance, is quantified by something called the “Bethe formula”. If one takes the results of this formula, and plots the value of the energy lost versus the distance traveled, (This is called a “Bragg curve”) it becomes plain that most of the energy let loose by the charged particle is at the very end of its journey. Just how much energy is released and how far the particle gets varies tremendously with the choice of particle and just what you happen to be blasting away at".

"The way it works is like this. When directed toward the sky, a properly tuned proton beam, focused by magnetic lenses, would pass through the first few thousand meters of air with no apparent effect. If the energy levels are adjusted right, the beam itself wouldn’t be visible. Then, when the energy of the beam dropped to a critical value, it would dump its remaining energy in a very short distance, ionizing the oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the atmosphere, causing one damn fine glowing ball of plasma".

"Assuming a circular beam aperture, the plasma would also take on a circular shape. Viewed from the side, the plasma would have a lenticular cross-section, and possibly even a different color from the bottom to the top due to the energy gradient of the dying beam (Remember Mark Farmer’s description? Very much like a spectral distribution). In short, it would look just like a glowing saucer. The beam could quickly be moved laterally, giving the plasma the appearance of instantly moving across the sky, much as a searchlight can jump “instantly” across the bottom of a cloud. But what about up and down? By changing the average energy of the individual protons, their range is also changed. This would make the plasma appear to instantly jump or “stairstep” vertically. By changing the number of protons per unit area in the beam (the particle flux, in nerd-speak), the plasma would appear to brighten or dim, but still staying in the same relative spot. It could be made to look so bright, onlookers might think it was about to explode.
But the big question is why? While it might make for a very cool display, the energy dumped in the area of the plasma is probably not of the level to do rapid damage to anything".

"Finally, there have been suggestively similar sightings at Northrop’s Tejon Ranch radar cross section facility out in western Antelope Valley in Southern California. There have been several fairly credible reports of glowing orbs seen around that place. These orbs don’t seem to flit around as fast or as far as those reported at Groom, but a glowing orb is a glowing orb. But what the hell would they be doing at Tejon Ranch?
The most probable explanation: Radar. A device based upon this principle would make a really exquisite radar spoofing tool. The ionized plasma would give a good radar return, giving targeting radars something else to lock on to, instead of incoming aircraft. The ability to project an object of apparent solidity to enemy radar, instantly manipulatable, would be a most valuable little toy to have in your bag of tricks. As an added bonus, the plasma might even have significant emissions in the IR bands, as a decoy for heat seeking missiles. With enough engineering, it might be possible to reduce the size of the particle accelerator/generator to something small enough to fit on an aircraft (although that’s hard to imagine). The energy requirements would still be quite large".... (although perhaps feasible for a naval vessel? or an island)

The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter
"software, written by real particle physicists, that, among other things, is used to determine the penetration depth of charged particles into targets".

"The Bethe equation, used to predict the distance charged particles will travel in a target".

an example of an "object" performing incredible maneuvers
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‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects

The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects were extraterrestrial, and experts emphasize that earthly explanations can generally be found for such incidents. Lieutenant Graves and four other Navy pilots, who said in interviews with The New York Times that they saw the objects in 2014 and 2015 in training maneuvers from Virginia to Florida off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, make no assertions of their provenance.

Leon Golub, a senior astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the possibility of an extraterrestrial cause “is so unlikely that it competes with many other low-probability but more mundane explanations.” He added that “there are so many other possibilities — bugs in the code for the imaging and display systems, atmospheric effects and reflections, neurological overload from multiple inputs during high-speed flight.”

The pilots began noticing the objects after their 1980s-era radar was upgraded to a more advanced system. As one fighter jet after another got the new radar, pilots began picking up the objects, but ignoring what they thought were false radar tracks.

The incidents tapered off after they left the United States, the pilots said.

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