New Moderators for the forum

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
I've been thinking about this and the existing moderator team is essentially made entirely of users from the earliest days of the forum and not very diverse in terms of time zone. All in Europe aside from me.

It's probably worth checking in on whether anyone wants to step up into a moderator role. Especially from non-European timezones to improve coverage.

You can be moderator in a single forum section where you have interest and knowledge, or a global moderator. Being a good single forum moderator is a good way to prove yourself for a global moderator role.

Additionally, feedback on the existing moderation team (including me!) is welcomed so we can improve.
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Is there a description of the role, guidelines, expected workload ?
No expected workload - whenever you have time. If you never use your moderator powers, then they might eventually be removed.

Description/Guidelines - some conduct guidelines in Moderator forum, but essentially it's up to you where you feel you can contribute. You'd have powers to edit, delete or move posts, merge or move topics. View, resolve and respond to reported posts. Approve pending posts from new users.
We have a few candidates - will be considering over the next few days. Not too late to volunteer !
First new moderator to be appointed is Hood, who is going to be a local moderator in the Secret Naval Projects section. Congratulations, James :) Antonio has done a good job on this, but the rest of the moderating team aren't often in that section so this should be helpful.
So still no US based applicants for a moderator position. US users are by far the largest group of users, so a moderator there would make sense.
So still no US based applicants for a moderator position. US users are by far the largest group of users, so a moderator there would make sense.
Well the obvious choice is to get Scott to do it!
My dear PaulMM,

I wanted to talk about this subject from one year,but I felt or thought that a rude from
me to discuss this,and my advice is the zone not so important beside quality in action,
and I suggest those members are qualified to be a Moderators;

Arjen,Apophenia,Robunos & Deltafan
Hood is a very welcome choice for the Naval section.

Except for his member name, of course (badumm, tssss !) As long as we didn't have a member called Bismarck, he should be fine !

When I joined Warship Projects 3.0 back in 2003 my 20 year old self wanted to use the nom de plume of Drake. But that was already taken, and since the Hood was one of my favourite ships and the name of an illustrious family of Admirals I chose that instead. Not a bad choice on the spur of the moment. Apart from joining Whatifmodellers under the moniker of Tornado (not such an inspired choice), I've kept the name ever since for continuity wherever I go.
True story dat.
So I can now say congrats and welcome to @Bill S who will be a global moderator in the US timezone, @GTX who will be a global moderator in the Australia time zone, and @helmutkohl who will be a local moderator in "Aviation & Space" forum based in Japan. I'll be assigning rights once I've finished the documentation guides for them.

To the others who have stepped forward but not been picked this time, it is noted, and there were some strong candidates who missed out. We'll see how things go for now.
Thanks for the appointment Paul. Please allow me to take a bow.


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