New JSDF urban recon drone

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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A new JSDF mini-UAV, officially called the 'Spherical Flight Vehicle':

At this stage of it's development, it may be more precise to refer to it as a RPV.

From one of the first sites to break the news on the web after the drone was first shown off on Japanese TV:

The unit officially goes under the prosaic name of “spherical flight vehicle,” having been developed as a prototype miniature drone.

It is 42cm in diameter, 350g in weight and can fly for some 8 minutes, being capable of reaching speeds of 60km/h. Autopilot systems are said to be under development.

Interestingly, the developers report “buying most of the parts in Akihabara.”

That site is below.

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A safer news venue and related discussion.

A few quick observations:

-The SFV seems to be intended primarily for MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) roles.

-It appears to be of fairly robust construction, especially for an early prototype.

-No hardened sensors or control system installed yet.

-Noticed how quiet it was when moving around, and in landing?

-Good manoeuvrability and, it seems to have good station keeping ability, even at this early stage of it's development.

I wouldn't be suprised if the auto-pilot they're developing for this incorporates 'fuzzy logic' routines i.e. the auto-pilot will be able to 'learn' from a human pilot's actions.


  • jsdf-spherical-drone-3.jpg
    110 KB · Views: 364
Already been done much more effectively

Warning graphic violence :eek:
Brief article on techcrunch with working youtube clip:
I saw this a while ago and OK, it's very manoeuvrable but just try operating it outdoors in anything other than VERY light winds. The amount of form drag it exhibits means the only the things you'll be looking at are downwind of the launch point.

Please don't see this as an overly negative post because I recognize there is some very good work being exhibited there. It's just that its utility is limited. Both by it's drag and it's size.

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