New Book by Konstantin Udalov - "Legendary Aircraft Antonov 2 - Vol.2"


I really should change my personal text
10 December 2016
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Hello to all!

Today I had the opportunity to look at the newest book by our friend Mr. Konstantin Udalov (Ucon), called “Legendary Aircraft Anotov 2 - Vol. 2”. This book is follow on of the first one, continuing to describe the history of the mythical aircraft Antonov 2. The book has 140 pages and is fully illustrated with photos, images as well as documents regarding the subject.

The book starts with a very good introduction that creates a link with the previous volume, also giving interesting informations. For example, it is new to me the information that the Antonov 2 was built in Poland and also in China, and that even with the advent of the jet engine and the creation of a new aircraft with the same purpose, the An-2 continued ruling the skies of the Soviet Union.

After this introduction, the book continues with the description of the next logic variant of the An-2, the Antonov 3. In fact, this aircraft is essentially a turboprop-powered development of the An-2, and is described in high detail with a lot of exclusive informations and pictures, encompassing all of its variants and the curious history about how it could not replace its old brother.

The next chapter introduces the first part of what is possible to call “the future” of the Antonov 2. A new development, by the aircraft designer Mr. Alexander Vasilievich Zolotarev (who I have already had the chance to talk with), literally transformed the decades-old An-2 into a new ground effect aircraft, equipped with an air cushion landing gear and capable of entirely new missions. Details of this project are incredible, it is possible to understand how an aircraft from the 40’s has so much potential still available in its design.

The last part of the book is dedicated to describe other new developments involving the An-2, using the same basic layout equipped with modern elements, including new engines, new wing designs, avionics and the use as a seaplane. All variants of this aircraft are also described, with a full photo album of individual users and with the history of its production both in China and Poland, again full of photos and 3D drawings.

The Antonov 2 is one of the most iconic aircraft of all time, and this book is certainly the most complete regarding this aircraft. I highly recommend it to aviation enthusiasts and specialists, the author really honored the importance of this aircraft to the world of aviation. Those interested in aquiring the book just send a personal message for me or directly to the author, with the nickname Ucon here in the forum.

I wish a nice reading!


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Hello all,

I had the opportunity to look into Konstantin Udalov new book "Legendary Aircraft Antonov 2 (Vol. 2)"

In this very detailed book with 140 pages Konstantin describes Projects from the An-2 and also that the Aircraft was built in China and Poland.
He descripes the development, technology and the differnet variants of the An-3.
And again in this book there are a lot of Projects and also new AN-2 projects from the 21th century.

Konstantin has once again pulled out everything he found about this issue in his archive. The most important aspect in my opinion is that again a lot of original documents and drawings were used for this book.

I can only recommend the book to aviation enthusiasts and especially for them who is interested in projects, as it gives a very good insight into the technology of all the different variants.
And we all can look forward to the third volume from Konstantin.

I will wish all a intersting reading!
Konstantin Udalov continues his series aboutr the legendary soviet aircrafts with the second volume about the famous An-2 aircraft.

This book is divided mainly in two parts, as the other reviewer already pointed out: the first half is dedicated to the follow-ups oft he An-2, mainly the An-3 as well as other one offs, ideas and projects. Most of them had no chance on realisation in the aftermath oft he collapsing soviet union. But none the less, this aircraft and ist design is so robust that it allows to think about follow-ups until even today. On the MAKS-2021 there even was a two-engined An-2 derivat called „Nord-Twin“ (see pp. 42-49). It evolved from the earlier „Twin-Goose“ project.

The second part oft he volume is dedicated tot he world wide use and distribution of this aircarft including some record breaking flights.

A truly remarkble and unique publication about the An-2 and a must-have for any aviation enthusiast.


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