New Book „High-altitude aircraft of EMZ named after V.M. Myasishchev“ by Konstantin Udalov and Josef Gatial


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18 July 2018
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Hello all,

I had the opportunity to look into Konstantin Udalov's new book "High-altitude aircraft of EMZ named after V.M. Myasishchev".

In this very detailed book with 112 pages Konstantin describes everything about high altitude aircraft projects of EMZ.
He descripes the development and technology of the following type the M-34 high-altitude aircraft with it 8 different variants and the M-17.
In the second Volume which is coming soon Konstantin will descripe The M-55, M-61and the M-67.
In this book the very interesting drawings in high Quality are made from Josef Gatial.

For me the book was very interesting because there are so many unknown variants and modifications of the different high altitude aicraft.

Konstantin has once again pulled out everything he found about this issue in his archive. The most important aspect in my opinion is that again a lot of original documents and drawings were used for this book.

I can only recommend the book to aviation enthusiasts and especially for them who is interested in projects, as it gives a very good insight into the technology of all the different variants.
And we all can look forward to many more books from Konstantin.

I will wish all a intersting reading!


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Another great work by Konstantin Udalov (I second philipps review above).

This volume is the first of two of Myasishchevs High altitude planes: the M-17. This book is so much more than the old M-17 book from the nineties. The story of the M-17 is covered in full detail and with great artwork (by Jozef Gatial).

Udalov traces the design, aviation and historical evolution which led tot he M-17 design. It starts with the cold war high altitude program to counterattac high-altutde spyballoons and later on the U-2.

The first 20 pages cover in depth the history and design-history oft he predecessor M-34 (pp. 4-26). Then comes the high altitude recce, research and balloon-hunter airplane M-17 „Stratosfera“ (pp. 26-50). The following chapters are devoted to concuring firms and designs, records and the international media presence of this plane. (until pp. 107).

I very highly recommend this volume because it containes information, material and artwork about this exceptional airplane that can´t be found anywhere else.

I can´t hardly wait fort he following volume, which is mostly about the successor M-55 „Geofisika“ and ist variants.

Cheers, Sven


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Hi to all!

Today I had the chance to take a look at the newest book from our friend Mr. Konstatin Udalov, also known as Ucon here in the forum. “Myasischev Design Bureau – High Altitude Aircraft” as the title suggests, is devoted to the projects of special, high altitude aircraft. The book is the first of two volumes that will describes the models M-34, M-17, M-55 and M-61, of which the models M-17 and M-55 were built and became an important product for Myasishchev Design Bureau. Together, these aircraft also set many aviation records, some of which still stand today.

The book has mainly two chapters, with the first describing the project M-34, the very first product of Myasishchev that would later give birth to all the subsequent high-altitude aircraft designs. This particular model had 8 designed variants, each one featuring new improvements over time, in order to decide which layout was the best. This chapter is filled with never-seen before documents and 3D illustrations, describing in great detail all variants.

The second chapter describes the incredible history of the M-17, which can be considered as the soviet answer to the American Lockheed U-2. It is important to mention that this chapter is not only devoted to technical aspects of the M-17, but has a complete historical background of the period, correlating with the developments of the west during the Cold War.

During the 60’s, the United States instituted a series of programs using high-altitude reconnaissance balloons, they were released from allied territories, ascended and transported by the wind to the Soviet Union. Rather than a reconnaissance aircraft, the M-17 was also meant to be an interceptor of balloons to counter this threat, armed with a special, dorsal-mounted turret.

Such task required an enormous amount of development, and the book has a complete material about this process, with a lot of historical photos, drawings, 3D reconstructions and even description of all the methods used for testing the components of the aircraft, some of which will be a surprise for most readers. I highly recommend this book for aviation experts and enthusiasts, it’s a chance to take a deep look into one of the most ambitious aviation projects ever developed.

I wish you all a nice reading!!
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