Net for fighter


I really should change my personal text
8 October 2017
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from modelstorie:
Not entirely sure whether this is a deterrent or to actually catch fighters. The agility of fighter types would suggest this would be unlikely.
The principals behind this idea are similar to that of a barrage ballloon, I think. AFAIK, the number of aircraft actually
downed by such balloons was really small, but they were a tremendous deterrent against low flying attackers.
What's more interesting to me is, that this net apparently was intended to be carried by some kind of helicopter.
Yes, the innovative use of an unproven design is quite something. From periods of international stress there are some intriguing lines of thought.
Foo Fighter said:
Not entirely sure whether this is a deterrent or to actually catch fighters.

The series of bombs at the bottom of the net suggest the former application.
I checked for a patent, searching on Barbier, Leroy or 'rack-chain', and found nothing. The diagram certainly suggests that it was to be deployed from a helicopter of some type
Quite possibly, yes. The cross piece on the rotor shaft is a little odd and could suggest co-axial rotors.

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