Need help identifying a mock-up

The Artist

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
1 November 2009
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I'm nearing 300 items (98% photos) cataloged in the Aric Aldrich Collection and this is (I believe) only my second request for assistance on this collection here so far. I think I'm doing pretty good on this collection. That most of the photos have some information written on the back helps. Some have nothing on the back, and some have non-helpful messages like this one with "Not for replication without written permission"

So, anyway. This looks like a mock-up to me. I can't tell if it is to be a helicopter or a fixed wing craft. With no company name anywhere on the thing, I have no idea where to start. Any clues?

mockup photo.jpg
it looks like the Kellett KH-2 helicopter sans rotor system.
Thank you both. I'll place the information on the back of the print. I see by the link that Mark has already posted this image., so this thread can die away - or maybe a moderator could delete it.

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