Need bit of advice in excel modeling of missile seeker.


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
11 February 2010
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So to understand better on radar performance, especially one mounted in missile seeker. I decided to make a simple modeling, based on materials in book "Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar"[1] by Phillip E Pace. and "Radar homing guidance for tactical missile"[2] by D.A James.

One part i considered as the most confusing is Grazing angle. According to Radar Technology Encyclopedia. The angle is defined based on vertical between a ray (for this case the missile's radar beam) and reflecting surface (ship target and the sea clutter) For calculating the angle i used model given by book "Introduction to RF Stealth"[3] By David Lynch. Jr. Now the question is "Is the grazing angle a fixed value or does it change according to the movement of the missile"

Determination of grazing angle is important to determine clutter area and later the Signal to Clutter ratio to determine possibility of target detection.

At first i assume that the grazing angle would change as the missile get closer to target (it's getting larger) However using the assumption it seems the resultant S/C ratio does not match with the example provided in resource book [1] The closest match however seems to be found when i use constant value of grazing angle.

But however i wonder if im in the right way.

Thank you for any answer or advice given.
Assumptions are important in modelling work. Is the seeker you're modelling gimballed or staring?
Fadl Isa said:
Assumptions are important in modelling work. Is the seeker you're modelling gimballed or staring?

It's strap down. ESA seeker. so it's a staring one, relies on electronic beam steering for search.

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