Navy system to target threats beyond radar horizon

I wonder if they are leveraging some of the (original) SM-5 technology?
bobbymike said:

The SM-6 has a longer range that most anti-ship missiles to be found out there, so wouldn't this OTH targeting be more valuable in taking out enemy ships long before they got within range of USN ships, rather then their missiles? I'd assume OTH targeting of ships is the biggest challenge that most navies face, and China is probably lacking much capability in this area (despite of having lots of long-range AshM, how do they target ships at that range?)

How did the Soviets plan on doing this? I know they had dedicated recon platforms for detecting where USN task forces were, but how were the missiles guided over that range? Data-link from the recon plane directly to the missile?
Old USSR used bear airrcraft with oth data link to other launchers to target CVBG groups during cold war,I saw a description of tactics on book on bear aircraft. I have research find it.
moonbeamsts said:
Old USSR used bear airrcraft with oth data link to other launchers to target CVBG groups during cold war,I saw a description of tactics on book on bear aircraft. I have research find it.

If I remember correctly, the Soviet Navy also used ship based helicopters to provide mid-course guidance and other support for anti-ship missiles launched from same.
There was a dedicated version of the Ka-25, Ka-25Ts (Hormone B to NATO), carrying the same Big Bulge radar as the Bear-D maritime surveillance aircraft. Both also had datalinks for mid-course guidance of certain missiles.
moonbeamsts said:
Old USSR used bear airrcraft with oth data link to other launchers to target CVBG groups during cold war,I saw a description of tactics on book on bear aircraft. I have research find it.

Problem for the Bears is if they could see the carrier the carrier could certainly see them.
sferrin said:
moonbeamsts said:
Old USSR used bear airrcraft with oth data link to other launchers to target CVBG groups during cold war,I saw a description of tactics on book on bear aircraft. I have research find it.

Problem for the Bears is if they could see the carrier the carrier could certainly see them.
Wasn't the Bear the aircraft so loud our SONUS warning nets could hear it high above the Atlantic during the Cold War?
Can neither confirm nor deny that sosus,ship,sub sonars detected propeller freq on LF bands on sonar.
Former sts

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