National Air and Space Museum visit


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5 April 2006
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Complete with early AD-1 concept sketch, HiMAT photos, the starship Enterprise, Dyna Soar and a race riot. Well, not so much the latter, but the seeds of one....
Great blog. I'd love to read more about the M113 with eight round Hellfire launcher but I'm afraid the Mayor of Canton, Ohio might be trolling...
We are free to visit or not his blog, if we do so (and we exploit the informations there contained) we have (at least) to respect his point of view given that he express it in "his house".

We are also free to agree or not with him by the way Scott didn't express his thought in this Forum....
archipeppe said:
We are free to visit or not his blog, if we do so (and we exploit the informations there contained) we have (at least) to respect his point of view given that he express it in "his house".

One need not respect *any* point of view. One can ignore it or choose to not respond to it... but "respect" (like self esteem or an income) is something that is to be earned, not given.

In any event: here're some NASM photos not from the blog:


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Some more...


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I can forgive Scott everything. EVERYTHING. For what he does.
mmm, Scott, I need to invent it first...LOL
Ah. Then can it be accurately stated that you *don't* want to see any future links to any "secret project" related stuff if there might also be some content that you don't like? That'll be a bit limiting. My blog covers a lot of topics. And I'm not going to stop posting "cat stuff" on my blog because some secret project fan somewhere is a dog person.

Note: as to the "cleverly embedded" aspect... my "Visit to D.C" blog posting was organized chronologically. Is it *really* that clever to describe things in the order in which they happened? ??? ?

I know some people really like Tarantino's movie "Pulp Fiction," and the style in which it wandered back and forth out of chronlogical sequence. Me, I didn't care for that. I like "this then that, then the other thing." But maybe that's just me.

It is also setting a wrong precedent, as probably none would like to see here links to interesting Third Reich stuff that would be embedded in negationist or neo-nazi blogs or sites, or for that matter Soviet stuff that would be embedded in ultra-nationalist or stalinist blogs or sites.

And if that information is available nowhere else?

It's one thing if the "Third Reich stuff" is, like so much of it online these days, a bunch of rubbish... antigravity Vril saucers and such. It's quite another if, say, it turned out to be detailed scans of blueprints for the Me263 or something.

But I must say I applaud the skillful way you implicitly compared my blog to Nazi propaganda without being explicit. Bravo. Please, enlighten me: what pointed me out as being a Nazi? Was it the photos of the cats? The descriptions of threatening behavior by street thugs? The lack of enthusism for recent Russian foreign policy decisions? The reference to "Beavis and Butthead?" The cheerleaders?

Please let me know. So I can post more on that and be more irritating.
I might not often agree with Scott politically, but I have no issues with him posting anything he wants on his own blog. By definition, a blog is a fairly random collection of thoughts and not a website or a forum with a defined topic and remit. As an atheist I rather like the anti-religious posts for example, though if was religious I might find them offensive.

Regarding the comparison with nazi sites, like Scott, if a Nazi or Russian Nationalist site had interesting factual information I would see no issue with linking to it. The rules of the forum control posts on the forum, not the entire internet. If Scott posts something offensive on my forum, I reserve the right to edit or delete it, but what he does on his own site it his own business.

If anyone is offended by the blog, they shouldn't visit. Just my opinion.
hLook: there's no such thing as a website of any size that's pure to one particular topic. Even the SP forum has wandered well off from what it was founded as... there are sections devoted to ships and tanks, neither one of which is an "airplane." And blogs pretty much by definition are chaotic. My blog is aimed as much to my personal friends and family as to anyone else... I'm keeping them informed on what I'm up to. And as with 99.9+% of all blogs in the world, my blog is meaningless rubbish, of precisely zero interest to all but a handful of people. Sometimes I have stuff that might be of interest to people *here.*

And why not? A warning would be appropriate, but I can think of worse things to find than secret aircraft projects *and* quality boobage.

I have wandered around a number of websites in German, French, Russian, etc. looking for aircraft imagery. Not being able to read those other languages, I've got *no* idea what they hell the author is yammering on about. But it is sometimes quite clear that there is some politicking and even nationalist stuff going on. And you know what? I don't care. Russian ultra-nationallists may be as wacky as Obama supporters, but if they have good images of, say, a Tupolev hypersonic bomber project, then I'll dig around their site and see what I can find.


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I reckon the best thing to do with Scott's blog is simply to applaud the wonder of the images of aircraft, spacecraft and cats that he kindly furnishes for us all and then just to ignore the desktop warrior posturings that seem to go with them. Just let the politics wash over you, gentle reader.
In all seriousness, Scott: looking over a recent blog on your site from some guy ranting on about Saxons and Celts, I think you might want to think seriously about the kind of support you seem to be attracting.
Anyway, now I'm off-topic and no doubt out of line.
That's (more than) enough from,

Perhaps one might want to step back and contemplate that a lot of what we want to look at is imagery of vehicles that are designed to deliver weapons that "KILL" people. There might be a few people out there who would consider that offensive...

Sincerely yours,
Wingknut said:
In all seriousness, Scott: looking over a recent blog on your site from some guy ranting on about Saxons and Celts, I think you might want to think seriously about the kind of support you seem to be attracting.

Actually, that particular individual is someone who disagrees with me vehemently. So... take *that* for what it's worth. Such rants as those are attempts at wit on his part. Meh.

So if you are a left-winger, and some guy going on about Saxons and Celts is the sort of thing that should make a person consider swapping their politics.... welcome to the right-wing.

Note: I'm always amused by the "your politics are wrong and offensive" crowd that never seems able to point out where my *facts* are wrong. I guess in some quarters it's just established dogma that the product of a man's labor is not his own, but the Collectives. Shrug.
Wingknut said:
I reckon the best thing to do with Scott's blog is simply to applaud the wonder of the images of aircraft, spacecraft and cats that he kindly furnishes for us all and then just to ignore the desktop warrior posturings that seem to go with them. Just let the politics wash over you, gentle reader.


What makes you think everybody agrees with your politics? :p
Barrington Bond said:
Perhaps one might want to step back and contemplate that a lot of what we want to look at is imagery of vehicles that are designed to deliver weapons that "KILL" people. There might be a few people out there who would consider that offensive...

Also consider: if there weren't already a plethora of "Luftwaffe, 1946" sources online, such that that particualr topic is gently discouraged here apart from the presentation of actually new material... the Nazi era and their designs would be massively over-represented.

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