NASA to launch safety review of SpaceX and Boeing


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21 January 2015
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NASA to launch safety review of SpaceX and Boeing after video of Elon Musk smoking pot rankled agency leaders

NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs declined to comment on what prompted the review. But in a statement, he said it would “ensure the companies are meeting NASA’s requirements for workplace safety, including the adherence to a drug-free environment.”

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in an interview that the agency wants to make sure the public has confidence in its human-spaceflight program, especially as the companies are getting closer to their first flights, scheduled for next year.

[Companies in the cosmos: Explore the new space race]

“If I see something that’s inappropriate, the key concern to me is what is the culture that led to that inappropriateness and is NASA involved in that,” he said. “As an agency we’re not just leading ourselves, but our contractors, as well. We need to show the American public that when we put an astronaut on a rocket, they’ll be safe.”
If they were equally zealous about employees getting drunk it'd make sense. As it is it just sounds like a witch hunt.
I wasn't aware that Elon Musk was the one putting together the rockets or in fact doing anything related to operations at SpaceX. Witchhunt is exactly the right word for this, and it only makes NASA look dumb.
The hard drinking Grant was such a success at his occupation (killing opposing troops) that Lincoln reportedly considered sending his other Generals drums of the same whisky in order to get the North more successes on the Field.

Maybe NASA can pony up, buy a few tons of high-test Weed and force feed it to their other contractor CEO's.

Lead, follow or get the hell out the way, NASA! Let the market-place certify the rockets, and you just worry about aerospace research.

Surely point the finger at the administration rather than NASA as this looks politically motivated.

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