NASA Johnson Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

Truly excellent. A little disappointing was the news today that Psy did some violent anti-American numbers in the early 2000s, but while watching this gem I tried to think of the irony of his work turned around to promote one of America's all-time greatest institutions!
Avimimus said:
Anyone here actually speak Korean? (Or care for that matter ??? )

Someone in the entertainment industry said nasty things about Americans? I'm shocked, SHOCKED to find that sort of thing going on! Next you'll tell me that actors - people who spend large portions of their lives wrapped in fantasy, professional liars pretending to be who they're not - overwhelmingly support Obama!
Apparently he didn't actually write the lyrics, and there's a lot of ambiguity over exactly what they mean.
His public apology seemed to take full credit for the "kill Americans and their wimminfolk" sentiment.


Can't get too worked up about it. If he didn't talk smack about America from time to time, the entertainment industry would revoke his union card.
Not done by NASA people, but still funny (nice little dig on SpaceX).
2IDSGT said:
Not done by NASA people, but still funny (nice little dig on SpaceX).

Excellent! But what makes you say it's not done by NASA people? The quality of the images, the shots on location at NASA, and the general message of the video make me think exactly the contrary...
He's referring to the video he posted - "We're NASA and We Know It" - which is satire. The original video in thids topic is clearly really by NASA.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
He's referring to the video he posted - "We're NASA and We Know It" - which is satire.

I know. My question related to why he claimed the second video was not officially from NASA employees. Just an impression, or something he read?
Stargazer2006 said:
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
He's referring to the video he posted - "We're NASA and We Know It" - which is satire.
I know. My question related to why he claimed the second video was not officially from NASA employees. Just an impression, or something he read?
I can't remember exactly, but I believe the video I posted comes from a satire troupe based in Seattle, not NASA employees (there was an article about it somewhere on Wired).

Here's another example of their work (you'll recognize some of the actors)

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