Nakajima Ki-82 heavy bomber


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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Hi! I think that Nakajima Ki-82 heavy bomber looks like this drawing which designed by the aviation technology research institute of the Imperial Japanese aemy without after engine and propeller.


  • the aviation technology research institute of Imperial Japanese Army  design heavy bomber.jpg
    the aviation technology research institute of Imperial Japanese Army design heavy bomber.jpg
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Very interesting. The engine configuration: push engine + pull engine in each wing is the same as Kogiken Plan II High Speed Heavy Bomber which at first I think they were related, later I found this post:
What do you think?
You are correct Alcides, they are the same airplane. But according to Hikoki's post it is the Rikugun Plan VI (6) design (the 2nd picture in Hikoki's post).
windswords said:
You are correct Alcides, they are the same airplane. But according to Hikoki's post it is the Rikugun Plan VI (6) design (the 2nd picture in Hikoki's post).
Hi! You are right.
I mean that my image for Ki-82 is like this. Actual Ki-82 size was little small compared with this drawing.


  • My image for Ki-82 is like this.jpg
    My image for Ki-82 is like this.jpg
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Here is some more information.

I did a search and found two websites with data on the Ki-82. The first site, the History of War, says that it was a replacement for the Ki-49 Donryu, which was in fact replaced by the Mitsubishi Ki-67 Hiryu. Here is the link:

Rickard, J (19 September 2013), Nakajima Ki-82 ,

The second is from the Polish Wikipedia site. I used Google translate to read it. It says pretty much the same thing. It also lists 3 engines associated with the project, all radial engines; the Ha-45 at 1800 hp, the Ha-145 at 2000 hp, and the Ha-211 at 2200hp. Link:

I don't know if the information on either website is accurate. Both sites say that Mitsubishi had a head start on the Ki-49 replacement and once their design was accepted by the army Nakajima dropped the project.
Wow thanks a lot. :D I tried to translate the explanation for Ki-82 in the Second site which you post. Enjoy.

At the beginning of 1941, the Technical Division of the main Office for the Army Aviation (Japanese General Hideyoshi Obata Koku Gijutsu Honbu) donated by Nakajima technical requirements for the new twin-engine heavy bomber. Emphasis on high speed as possible to make it easier for new construction machinery escaping enemy trophies. Assumed that the plane is going to be able to fly at a speed of 550 km/h with load 750 kg bombs. Radius of action was supposed to be 1,500 miles away. in parallel, work on the basis of the same assumptions lead Studio Mitsubishi design starting with the aircraft designated as Ki-67, however, unlike a Nakajima, which started design work in mid-1942, Mitsubishi his project began in 1939. Based on the design of the Ki-49, Nakajimy builders have developed a design with a very clean aerodynamic lines. New, more powerful radial engines, 18-Ha-45 were to provide a maximum speed of 580 km/h Although in theory, the greater the performance of Ki-82 compared with competitive Ki-67 at the Army aviation armament Mitsubishi design was adopted land. Decided to have a few factors. Thanks to prior work has begun, even before the announcement of requirements, Mitsubishi had already finished the prototype, unlike Nakajimy, where the plane was still on the drawing boards. Ki-67 in addition to the tasks a purely bombings could also act as distinct from Ki-82 dive bombing role as well as being the first machine of this type of land Army aviation have been adapted to carry out attacks with the use of torpedoes. In this situation, the Land Army withdrew from orders for three copies of the prototype Ki-82. Nakajima submitted two modified projects. In the first of them, in March 1944, engines Ha-45, which were to be used in the prototype machinery has been replaced by the stronger units of Ha-145 for a theoretical top speed of 650 km/h in the next, the Ha-145 has been replaced by the even stronger engines Ha-211 and with a capacity of 2200 MILES. the enduring already serial production of the Ki-67. Mitsubishi aircraft has proven to be a successful and comprehensive. There was, therefore, reason to continue the project having been in the line of aircraft to satisfy the expectations of the land-based Army aviation.
The purpose of the research of a heavy bomber which the Japanese army aviation technology research institute did was to study the basic form of the bomber of making an engine into four sets based on the basic design point of high-speed twin-engined heavy bomber Ki-82 which was under plan by Nakajima airplane those days, and to consider it as the data of performance gain.
Equipment of the bomber of making an engine into four sets, the number of crew members, and a radius of action were made the same as that of Ki-82.
My post is rushing into a doubtful domain. ;D

Source : (1) All the Experimental Aircraft in Japanese Army, KANTOSHA MOOK, ISBN978-4-87357-233-8
(2) The story of the IJA aircrafts planning, Nario Ando, Aviation Journal magazine, 1980


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