My Sketches


ACCESS: Secret
21 April 2012
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Here is some of my aircraft sketches :
sorry for the bad quality, but the important is the ideas isn't it?

any comment welcome.


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Thanks for sharing, keep them coming.

Might have a go myself.
I always enjoy seeing sketches and working drawings. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing, the second image is quite unique. :)
Hi thanks for the support, i'll publish more as soon as possible, but there is some that i wont publish because they're kind of inventions :).
Hi, i haven't post here a long while ago, so here :






Hello evryone,
presenting you a new type of aircraft of my invention it's called the Vertifan its theorically capable of VTOL, hovering and reaching high speeds thanks to its small frontal area, i've emailed a sketch of this concept to a specialist he said that it was intresting and i've to develop the idea further more.

here is a sketch of the concept and a render that illustrates it:



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Exquisite and inspiring, Hamzalippischh.
It's rare to see hand-drawn sketches nowadays, unless they're vintage.

All your concepts appeal to me, from the tailless designs to the VTOL proposals (my favorite theme).

I urge you, encourage you, to move on with everyone of these designs, because IMHO, they're worthy of development.

Thanks for sharing.

Dear Rafael,
i'm very surprised and pleased by your encouraging comment, i've a lot more of these sketches that i'll post here soon.

im very pleased that my works and concepts appeals to you.

thanks again A LOT for your comment.

yes i assume that it does take a lot of internal space, but the main purpose is a surveillance UAV and also getting into a new way to fly. now i dont reject the possibility to develop it into a manned version, in that case things will be surely different of course.
I wonder what kind of thrust you'd get if the fan blades could be twisted into an impeller, with the side of the pod closing, to create a sort of ducted fan / impeller for forward propulsion (to aid the existing main engine(s))?
i've already thought about a duct to control the flow so that we get a certain amount of thrust in forward flight then not at all while hovering, im just too busy with some exams for the moment so the modeling work is interrupted till i finish with those.
but i'll definetly post other iterations and variants of the idea the soonest i can.

Hi everyone just finished with those exams, now here is some progress ,i've a added a duct that will able the aircraft to control the airflow into thrust and/or lift.



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It might be capable of performing VTOL operations. However, if one were to rely solely on the impellors for lift during the whole operation, it seems like it would consume excessive fuel. I know helicopters rely on rotor thrust during forward flight as well, but the large rotor diameter makes the turboshafts very fuel efficient. I'm actually not sure how one would calculate the efficiency of impellors like in your design. I would suggest trying to figure out the internal layout in addition to the external layout. Figure out the sizes and placement of the cockpit, engines and fuel tanks. That may help determine if it has sufficient fuel fraction to perform a mission. If the aircraft is to have two engines, then I would also consider linking the two impellors together mechanically as in the V-22 Osprey. That would make the aircraft easier to control in the case of an engine out. I'm also wondering how it controls pitch and yaw.

I would also suggest making the design fairly pointy at the rear end in order to reduce form drag in forward flight. Smoothly blending the ducts into the sides of the aircraft would reduce drag as well. If you don't understand what I mean, maybe I could do a drawing.

If you are into the idea of detail design, I would strongly suggest looking into getting Dr. Daniel P. Raymer's book, Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach. It has helped me immensely in understanding the fundamentals and even the mathematics of aircraft design.
Kryptid, first thank you for your reply, i do understand all what are you saying and the model presented isn't the final shape i haven't take drag in consideration yet as the shape will change along the iterations, the latest render showed a ducted version that duct would allow more control on the airflow such as a vectorial thrust in order to achieve forward or backward thrust in addition to other flight controls, and yes wondering performances of such a system isn't obvious certainly because this is a new type of aircraft.

i think i have that book, now that you've remembered me of it i'll look into it, i'll try to get some progress and keep this topic updated.

aemann said:
Why am I thinking FanWing?
Caution: The FanWing concept has been patented!

Was my first thought, too, but in the the fanwing concept, the rotor is part of the wing, working as a
an amplifier for the lift of a wing, with the axis of the rotor generally perpendicular to the flight path.
Here it seems to be just a radial compressor, so in a certain way similar to Michel Wibaults original idea
of the "Gyropter", I think.
aemann as Jemiba said this concept is totally different from the Fanwing, indeed its inspired from it since that my idea came to me first when i tried to do an analogy of the relation between the fanwing and a VTOL aircraft with the relation between a propeller and an helicopter rotor but it turns out that the VertiFan uses a different way to accelerate the air vertically which is similar with a radial compressor.

jemiba i searched on the web about Michel Wibaults Gyropter and found this,2118.0/all.html, the Gyropter is similar to a Vtol jet fighter, well it uses a compressor too but i didn't find it similar for example with the VertiFan the air is taken from above and not from the front as a jet would do.
What I meant was, that the fanwing doesn't produce lift by accelarating air downwards, as can be seen
in the picture from
If the air, that is accelarated is taken from above or from the front of the aircraft, I think, isn't really
of importance, apart from the fact, that it should be available on a short way to minimise losses and
without the need to use long ducting.


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Hey folks, wanted to present you the sketch below so you guys could tell me if such thing would be possible, it is mainly a rotor that is surrounded by what we could call a Magnus torus, to achive magnus effect a stream of compressed air is ejectd on its upper side which drives more air that is accelerated from the rotor, this would add more lift and remove tip vortices.


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Here is a helicopter design idea that could improve its performance, see the pdf below the title is in french but contain is in english ;)



  • Etude sur la trainee des fuselage d_helicoptere par le flux du rotor.pdf
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So i thought up this a while ago and i honestly have doubt on it :
Well lets say a UAV is brang to a high Mach number speed by another aircraft this of course will generate friction hence heat, the uav internal parts are protected from this heat and it has a system of heat circulation which allows it to "put" it or concentrate it into a particular chamber, where air would experience a sudden temperature change hence a sudden dilatation backward which would generate thrust to sustain a flight at high enough speed to generate enough heat.

The system wouldnt maybe allow infinite range flight, or acceleration but the minimum would be that it would extend the range of an non-fuel carrying aircraft that could be considered as a supersonic glider.

Below attached a quick simple sketch of what could be its cross section.

Your opinions are very welcome.


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I believe this aircraft would very quickly slow down if it carried no fuel to burn at all.

There is a concept known as stagnation temperature, which is the highest theoretical temperature that an aircraft can acquire due to aerodynamic heating. Let's say that your concept aircraft is carried to Mach 3 at 70,000 feet by some carrier aircraft (an XB-70, perhaps). The stagnation temperature at that condition will be around 500 degrees Fahrenheit (according to Fig. 14.19 in Dr. Raymer's design book). Even if you could transfer 100% of that heat from the leading edges of your conceptual aircraft to its quasi-combustion chamber (which you can't, due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics), you'd only be able to raise temperature of the air there by 500 degrees at most. In modern jet engines, you can expect the turbine inlet temperature to exceed 2,000 degrees. This will make the engine exceedingly weak, certainly producing much less thrust than the drag forces which act on it.
Hi Kryptid, thanks a lot for your valuable reply.

Now according to what you previously said, there are two possibilities of use for this concept:

1-Using the system as an additional source of thrust in an usual jet engine.
2-Struggle with nature and design a very aerodynamic shape, and use of heat superconductor.

Altho the first one seems more reliable.
In some sense, your first point has already been considered for hypersonic vehicles. The idea is to circulate fuel through the leading edges or other hot parts of the vehicle. That would both cool the structure and preheat the fuel before it enters the engine. As usual, the vast majority of the thrust would come from burning the fuel, however.
Some more sketches : A light reconnaissance aircraft with wide bubble glass, a shark shaped stealth study and a steathized henschel132.

Hope you enjoy!


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