My Heinkel He 162 what-if scale models

^, I believe thisn post is in the wrong place and should be in English please.

"Hello everyone, I wanted to show you my latest 1/72 AZmodel kits that I have modified to make my own projects. All the camouflages are my ideas".
merci Archibald
j'ai toujours des problèmes pour poster au bon endroit ,je m'en excuse .
merci pour ta réponse Archibald je colle du plastique depuis plus de 60 ans
bien cordialement
Je m'était amusé a mettre la V-2 avec des ailes (A4b) de Special Hobby sur un Arado 555 - c'était assez spectaculaire...
Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e làrach Beurla a bha seo, na h-iarrtasan agam ma tha mi ceàrr. Is e droch chruth a th’ ann còmhradh prìobhaideach a bhith agad air fòram poblach.
Slàninte Mhaith.
It is in goede saak dat ik in wûnder fan talen bin, is it net?
Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e làrach Beurla a bha seo, na h-iarrtasan agam ma tha mi ceàrr. Is e droch chruth a th’ ann còmhradh prìobhaideach a bhith agad air fòram poblach.
Slàninte Mhaith.

"Klaatu barada nikto"
By the way - what does this mean ?

" Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo "​

"When I grow up I want to be a real person". Somewhat similar to Pinnochio "I want to be a real boy", although in the current society, who Nose?
Heinkel He 162.01-42 (March 12, 1945)​

When details of the new BMW 003R engine were released, Heinkel decided to build a fast target-defense fighter with mixed power plant (TLR Jäger), modifying a He 162 A airframe as He 162 E type.

The rocket propellant increased the take-off weight and the undercarriage had to be strengthened, the fuselage was also lengthened by 15-cm to increase the volume of the main tank of S-Stoff.

To compensate the extra weight the wing would have to be moved rearwards by 20-cm.

In its original configuration, the rocket was installed over the turbojet exhaust nozzle by means of two mounting brackets. BMW chose this structural solution to be able to use a shaft extension as short as possible and avoid the loss of power in the transmission.

This was not a problem for installation in a Messerschmitt Me 262, but the Heinkel designers realized that a similar installation in the He 162 would not be possible, because the rocket combustion chamber would be located 1.33 meters from the longitudinal axis of the fuselage.

This configuration was considered unacceptable because it significantly affected the longitudinal stability of the aircraft.

On February 9, 1945 the Heinkel design team proposed to locate the rocket on the underside of the rear fuselage, an area that had been structurally reinforced for the future installation of a Schmidding RATO booster.

To make this modification it was necessary to design a complex power transmission system between the turbojet and the rocket pumps gearbox.

The BMW was provided with two gearboxes, one to drive the fuel pumps and the other to drive the electricity generator.

During the design of the He 162.01-42 (March 12, 1945) it was decided to connect the rocket to the port gearbox and in order not to increase the complexity of the system it was necessary to install the rocket offset to fuselage port.

Heinkel hoped to start the mass production of the operational version He 162 A-9 in the early summer of 1945, but the project was abandoned on March 27, 1945 by concern over mix-fuel dangerous volatility. One prototype would be completed and flight tested experimenting problems with electric wiring, pressurized cockpit and DUCO sealing of the propellants tanks.

Heinkel He 162.01-42 technical data

Wingspan: 7.2 m. Length: 9.2 m. Height: 2.6 m. Wing area: 11.2 sq. m. Max weight: 3,828 kg. Max speed: 1,010 km/h (Mach 0.82) at sea level and 985 km/h flying at 5,000 m. Service ceiling: 15,500 m. Climb rate: 98 m/sec. Range: 550 km. Endurance: 44 minutes flying at 10,000 m. Armament: two fuselage mounted Mk 108/30 cannons.


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