My early P1154 display models

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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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I am well known for my fondness for 1960s wonderjets that never quite made it. Last year I decided to commission a couple of models based on the early proposals for the Hawker Siddeley P1154 for joint RAF RN use and then for RN use. The Aviation Retail Direct shop in Hillingdon sourced them in 1/48 scale from the Philppines, and they have now been completed.
I asked for the models to be made in the style of the early 1960s display models used to present new projects to Ministers. The RAF version is in the livery of the Tripartite squadron used in real life for the Kestrel P1127 and armed with AS30 missiles which were the latest option for ground attack. The RN version is in the gloss white used by the Buccaneers, though not with light blue in the roundels, and armed with Red Tops.
I am very pleased with the result and my 7 year old self would have been delighted if the Government of the day had presented them at a Press Conference in 1963 as the solutions to the Hunter and Sea Vixen replacement programmes. Sadly my 63 year old self knows that the answer was called the F4 Phantom, but as Basil Fawlty once remarked "Back to the land of dreams.


  • Joint Service P1154.jpg
    Joint Service P1154.jpg
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  • RN P1154.jpg
    RN P1154.jpg
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  • rn and tripart.jpg
    rn and tripart.jpg
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A lot of money but much less than an original desk model would have cost. Each model is a matter of negotiation with the shop and the modelmakers

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