Multiple rocket launch system attack and trap the landing ships,warships

li zhuo peng

ACCESS: Restricted
21 September 2021
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In large-scale Landing operation and Island Landing operation.

Landing ships responsible for transporting tanks, armored vehicles and combat materials, the Landing craft carrying soldiers to seize the beach, and destroyers provides ground Fire support and air defense.
Land or island defenders generally use land-based anti-ship cruise missiles or 130mm -240mm Howitzer to directly shoot enemy landing ships and warships. The anti ship cruise missile has fast speed and high explosive power, automatically find and hit targets with great accuracy.
The usual charge for anti-ship missiles ranges from 260 kilograms to 450 kilograms. As long as a land-based anti-ship missile hits the target, the enemy's destroyer and landing ship will be sunk or withdrawn from naval warfare. The large-diameter Howitzer also be an effective complement to anti boarding fire, because Howitzer has high shooting accuracy, easy to hit the fixed or slow moving ship, and relatively large power. For example, a 155mm howitzer shell weighs 50kg. The 203 mm howitzer shell weighs 95 kg. If a landing ship, Corvette or destroyer with a displacement between 2000 tons to 10000 tons is hit, its weapons, cabins, electronic equipment and personnel also be damaged.


The Russian TOS-1 rocket launcher is equipped with 24 large-caliber rocket launching tubes , each can launch rockets with a diameter of 220 mm,
China's WM-120 rocket launcher system has eight launch tubes of 273mm, launching rockets with a minimum range of 34 kilometers and a maximum range of 120 kilometers.
The 273mm rocket with a warhead weighing 150 kg cause serious damage if it accurately hit a warship, but few people use multiple rocket launchers to directly attack enemy warships, because the hit rate of multiple rocket launchers very low, a multiple rocket launcher is loaded with 8-20 rocket shells and the shooting accuracy of rocket launchers is very low. It's hard to hit a moving ship. 8 to 20 rocket shells fired at the same time, one or two shells

perhaps hit the ship, but most of the rocket shells will fall into sea and explode , resulting in a great waste of ammunition.


Attack ships with land-based anti-ship missiles. Vulnerable to sophisticated adversaries such as the United States and British army. The enemy would use electronic jamming and fire infrared jamming projectiles to disable anti-ship missiles .The incoming missiles lost its target.
150 mm to 300 mm rockets are inertial guided, simple technology and low cost, no matter after launch. Therefore, the electronic interference devices on the enemy ships and the firing of infrared jamming shells are ineffective against the rockets.

How to fix the problem the rocket shells attck ships with very low accuracy and waste shells.
Rocket shell install Trigger fuse,that’s said the rocket only explode impact metal objects of ship!
and each rocket carry a inflatable air bag. If the rocket can not hit the ship ,drop in to sea water it will unexploded, the inflatable air bag will open automatically., sel-infating expansion
and unexploded rocket shell float underwater 4-10 meters became a naval mine. Even lanuch 8-20 rocket shells at one time unable hit a landing ship . These rocket drop into the sea surround the landing ship. Shells turn into naval mines. Then still able trap and smash the ship.
The unexploded rocket shells (naval mines ) take a dye , Set a date ,Afer 10 days or 20 days. These naval mines release dye. The sea water near the naval mines appear orange or purple. It is easy to locate the naval mines ,and mine destruction.

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Not a real project.
So unless you moved it into the Theoretical subforum with your comment still attached, I'd say it's in the right spot now.

As to the rocket laid mines, it'd need some custom building done. It'd sacrifice explosive capacity for any mooring, it'd also sacrifice explosive capacity for the airbags and inflators. It'd also need a naval mine TDD/fuze added on top of the standard rocket fuzes, and that naval mine fuze would need to be rocket launch rated.
So unless you moved it into the Theoretical subforum with your comment still attached, I'd say it's in the right spot now.

As to the rocket laid mines, it'd need some custom building done. It'd sacrifice explosive capacity for any mooring, it'd also sacrifice explosive capacity for the airbags and inflators. It'd also need a naval mine TDD/fuze added on top of the standard rocket fuzes, and that naval mine fuze would need to be rocket launch rated.
Maybe this rocket shell no need carry a electric inflator pump and battery. Some chemicals mix together produce a large amount of gas.

For example, the liquid hydrochloric acid(HCL) mix Sodium hypochlorite(NaClo) ,then produce Chlorine gas.
Maybe this rocket shell no need carry a electric inflator pump and battery. Some chemicals mix together produce a large amount of gas.

For example, the liquid hydrochloric acid(HCL) mix Sodium hypochlorite(NaClo) ,then produce Chlorine gas.
I was actually assuming chemicals for the airbag inflators, but didn't specify.

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