Most Significant Things That Ever Happened In The History Of Aeronautics

Steve Pace

Aviation History Writer
6 January 2013
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I think the number one thing should be the time when a man, or a woman, looked up at a bird and said: 'I wish I could do that.' -SP
It should be Jesus: according to a certain book, he performed the very first anti-gravity Vertical-Take-Off (without any landing). ;D

Just kidding, I got inspired by your new avatar and ... I'm catholic by birth ;)

Seriously now, here are some (IMHO):

* Leonardo da Vinci's ideas and drawnings
* Wright brothers and any predecessors...
* use of aircraft for warfare in WW I
* Rocket-development in Nazi-Germany :eek:
* jet-engine development
* birth/life of people like Howard Hughes and Kelly Johnson
* space-race in '50s and '60s
* collapse of the Soviet Union (= decline of research and development, decline in new aircraft-types, prolonged development, etc...)
Knowing that this may be more "astronautics" than "aeronautics", I would still feel tempted to add Sir Konstantin Tsiolkovsky to that list.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
XB-70 Guy said:
I think the number one thing should be the time when a man, or a woman, looked up at a bird and said: 'I wish I could do that.' -SP

A close second would be the first time someone looked up at a bird and realized "Other people will pay me to let them do that."
If I am interpreting the question right.

IMHO this can be so subjective but if you consider the history of something how do you separate thought, imagination and theory of early scientists, inventors (even writers life Verne and Wells), etc. from the people who brought those things to reality?

Again IMHO opinion nothing even comes a close second to man stepping foot onto another celestial body. That we could go out there and return said we had the power in our mind and spirit to someday conquer the galaxy.
Don`t worry Mike, noone has ever been to the moon, except probes. ther is tons of evidence, and all we need is only one- insurmountable one. Which one you want?
Don`t worry Mike, noone has ever been to the moon, except probes. ther is tons of evidence, and all we need is only one- insurmountable one. Which one you want?

Are you denying the moon landing? Quick someone lock the thread its going to get crazy 'round here.
Don`t worry Mike, noone has ever been to the moon, except probes. ther is tons of evidence, and all we need is only one- insurmountable one. Which one you want?

You are clearly on the wrong board.
Don`t worry Mike, noone has ever been to the moon, except probes. ther is tons of evidence, and all we need is only one- insurmountable one. Which one you want?

Anyone (or two, or three, or.....) you like. Bring 'em on! :mad:

bobbymike said:
Again IMHO opinion nothing even comes a close second to man stepping foot onto another celestial body. That we could go out there and return said we had the power in our mind and spirit to someday conquer the galaxy.

Well said. The significant event is not so much setting foot on another celestial body. It's getting that foot back home. If it's still attached to the astronauts leg, that's normally considered a bonus.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
What about the time George Cayley thought it would be terrific wheeze to heave his coachman off a cliif strapped to something vaguely resembling a wing?

Don`t worry Mike, noone has ever been to the moon, except probes. ther is tons of evidence, and all we need is only one- insurmountable one. Which one you want?

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This is a joke, right? I quite thoroughly remember learning about a saxophonist from New Orleans named Armstrong who went to the moon on Apollo's chariot of fire. The legend is he took off in the chariot from Florida, so you know that's bullpucky. There isn't anything in Florida other than a mouse in a castle surrounded by orange plantations, ringed by beaches full of jerseyshorians :D


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The invention and use of parachutes. Not only has it saved pilots (and other crew-members of aircrafts), it gave rise to a famous association (the Caterpillar Club) and provided one important tool for paratroopers.
Let`s put Pythonian pathos aside a bit, nudge , nudge. As to moonlandings. The suspicion is all over the place. there are many official NASA pics of moonshots , if you overexpose them ,you can see that the moon part is cut out and doctored in from another shot. No blueprints for LEM, no telemetry from apollo 11, no blueprints for LUnar Rover. No crater under LEM, with distinct footprints of Armstrong right next to it, yet in another video we can see that only after a touchdown Armstrong says, `engine off`. Suspicous ignorance of astronauts about VA belts, some even claimed that they went to the moon, yet didn`t cross VA belts. major solar flares during Apollo missions, inability of Chief engineer at Hasselblad to explain lighting patterns in Apolloo 11 pics,unbelievably low success rate of LEM testing on ground, inability to see stars even though albedo of moon is 7-9%, and they could use shadows behind hills to photograph stars. , yet somehow youri gagarin writes in his memoirs that he was mesmerised by the beauty of stars he saw, ditto the Astronauts using Burt Rutans Spaceship One( having light of earth with albedo 35% shining right at them). A lot of evidence comes from Australia that have witnessed too early data translations from apollo. My doubts started whn I realised if US industry has a patttern of cheap actions in order to gain success, and yes, after studying the way things are built in US, I truly believe that Apollo moonlandings never happened. Having seen the superbly low fit nad finish of american cars, superb poverty in diversity of US based consumer electronics, virtually no modern bikes, trains, no modern trucks, no tv sets, no wristwatches, lack of precision machinery. All modern uS cars that have improved reliability is because of superoutsourcing of components, Almost no domestic platforms left- Mazda, engines, platforms, Aisin gearboxes, everything meaningful is engineered abroad, even your famous iphone was designed and built by 8 Asian companies. Us can`t build or engineer a single tv set, yet you want me to believe they secretly build Auroras and send messages saying here is` Darkstar november`...right.... And how about moonlandings? In 69 they could send a man to the moon but today Ford company even can`t eliminate live rear axle in their Mustangs?
Advancedboy, congratulations, you have a 7 day ban. Post again in the same vein, you are gone forever.

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For me it is the jet engine.Look how it advanced the design of the plane.

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