Most of British Army sent home for a month to save money?!

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Sometimes reality is stranger than any Daily Mash or Onion article... ::)

Let's just hope the Air Force doesn't decide to do the same, or that could give some rogue nations ideas for invasion... :-\
Would it be better to axe some more weapons systems, or their development ? Or let those soldiers
in their barracks increase their amount of overtime, something that could really do (even more !)
damage to morale in the future ?
IF those rogue nations really have plans for an invasion, then the time of the year is fixed since decades:
Xmas! Ok, now they have an expanded time frame. Will that really be much more dangerous ? Especially
as it is published only now ? Don't think, that North Korea will accelerate its invasion plans for Great
Britain to take advantage of that extra week. And as the final decisions seem to be with the station
commanders, perhaps at least a bit of sanity should be expected. IF an alarming situation will arise,
calling at least a large part of those soldiers back should be possible today.
To my opinion, actions to cut costs could be much worse and harmful.
If you read the article, effectively the troops are only being given it seems, an extra week's leave. As most would have been given three weeks leave over Christmas - New Year anyway, it doesn't seem to be quite the disaster it is being portrayed as. ::)
Telegraph's coverage of matters military, amongst others, isn't what it used to be. I've even been reading the Grauniad for the cricket.

Jemiba said:
Would it be better to axe some more weapons systems, or their development ? Or let those soldiers
in their barracks increase their amount of overtime, something that could really do (even more !)
damage to morale in the future ?

Who gets overtime in the armed forces?
Well, from what it's known and discussed about the German armed forces, every soldier has
fixed daily working hours, but often have to do much more. Maybe it's different in the British
Armed Forces, of course, but in the linked article "the extra workload in Afghanistan and during
the 2012 London Olympics ..." is mentioned.

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