Most crucial new weapon for the UK

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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One of the threads running through all the wars the UK has been involved in from the Falklands
to the present day is the need to have airpower capable of global range and precision delivery of
bunker busting quantities and power of ordinance.

At present we have no such weapons and rely on mixing airpower with cruise missiles in small packages. However, with the
advances made in technology the possibility of an unmanned version of the B2 bomber, smaller and cheaper, and equipped
with smart weapons must be the most important weapon we need to acquire as soon as possible.
Seems an expensive proposition to procure and maintain a small fleet for one specifc, and irregularly-occurring, need. If the RAF has been tasked with stealthy high-volume hard-target attack across global range then we've probably picked the wrong fight...

If we really did need it, the Voyagers have an impressive payload capability and Airbus would be delighted to receive some money to tweak the FCS to account for underwing ordnance carriage. Let the F-35s take care defensive rollback that needs a stealthy approach.

My opinion of the most critical new weapon for the UK is an advanced-materials intermediate-calibre replacement for the GPMG. It's the weapon that wins engagements but it's too big and too heavy, something the Army learns in every war but never addresses. Whoever develops something with the power of 7.62x51 within the envelope of a Minimi would make soldiers very happy.
SPEAR cap3 because of the force multiplier effect it has for Fast jets, manned and unmanned:

...and for export potential with regard to F35 customers.

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