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Interesting. So, there were multiple designs for SAM-12 ... low-wing tricycle trainer (in Reply #20) and both low-wing (MV-12) and biplane (MV-6) designs in Reply #28.

According to Emmanuel Gustin, the MV-6 was a Russian license-built Renault 6Q (the MV-4 being the Renault 4Pe), a Russian license having been purchased in 1936. The MV-12 was not Russian built, being instead an imported Renault 12R inverted V-12 (presumably with plans for local production if successful).

Does anyone have anything on the M-76F radial mentioned in Reply #20? An M-76 powered the Kamov Ka-8 helicopter but that was a post-war horizontally-opposed 2-cylinder (based on the Russian copy of the BMW motorcycle engine ...

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