Moog FTS « Talon » and « Mini-Talon » missiles
Five optional weapons load out configurations, including [] six Mini-Talon GPS-INS guided precision standoff attack weapons
The 1.93 m long Mini-Talon developed by Moog FTS is a 100 pound GPS/INS guided glide weapon. After the weapon is dropped from the aircraft it deploys its glide wings (1.91m' span) flying guided by GPS/INS to the target, Its warhead weighs about 12 kg. Its accuracy is believed to be within the 10 foot Circular Error Point (CEP). Photo: CAV
Talon asnd Mini-Talon
Developed by the US company Moog FTS and originally intended for the anti-insurgency role, Talon seems to have entered service (probably with the US Special Operations Command) late in 2008 or early in 2009. The operational launch platform is unknown, but is probably the C-212, which serves with the US Army as the C-41 and was also reported to be used in southwest Asia by Blackwater. The C-130 Hercules is seen as a longer-endurance alternative if extended loiter time should be required.

Although it could be carried as an external load, the missile is normally packed in a self-contained storage container/launcher and ejected out of the aircraft’s rear door by a cold gas system

Talon is 3.86 m long, 4.27 m in wingspan and 323 mm in diameter. It weighs 368 kg and carries a 304 kg warhead. It is unpowered, and has a range of to 100 km following a high-altitude release. Space was left in the tail section for a solid-propellant rocket motor, but the customer did not adopt this option.

Guidance is by GPS/INS guidance system, the company claims a circular error probable of less than 3 m. The weapon can be redirected after release, and given fast enough updates is claimed to be able to hit a moving target without the use of a terminal-homing seeker.

The project was started as a smaller weapon now being marketed as the Mini-Talon –1.93 m long, 1.91 m span, weighing just under 50 kg and carrying a 12 kg warhead. This is not thought to be in service.


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The project was started as a smaller weapon now being marketed as the Mini-Talon –1.93 m long, 1.91 m span, weighing just under 50 kg and carrying a 12 kg warhead. This is not thought to be in service.

I'm surprised that the Mini-Talon hasn't gotten a USAF contract yet, given that service's current interest in small, accurate weapons.

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