Monino Museum : walkaround photography authorized ?

Monino Museum : walkaround photography authorized ?

  • walkaround

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • photography

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


ACCESS: Confidential
29 September 2006
Reaction score
Hi All,

I have the chance to visit Moscow in August (mainly for the 100th anniversary of Russian Air Force Airshow at Zukhovski) but also to visit some museums.

Monino is included in the tour ; however, as I would like to make some walkaround photo sessions of aircraft displayed there (mainly prototypes, with the serious modeller in mind), I wonder if is it permitted to approach the aircraft and turn around them for the photography job (a supplement fee is probably asked for that).

Does anyone has already visited this museum, what about photography ?

Thanks for the help !

All the Best,

Usually you can't move to the lawn where aircrafts exhibited, leaving walkways and crossing symbolic rope fence.
What exactly types you are interested in - I'll try to ask friends from museum staff?
Thank You Flateric,

I am interested mainly by the prototypes and Experimental machines (I know there are numerous at this museum !) ; I have to check the aerial photographs of the museum I've seen on the net in order to make a list.

Even photographs can be made trough canopies (without flash) ; interesting for me because I am still waiting of cockpit photographs of La-250 Anaconda, Yak-25 RV, Yak-36 Forger in order to improve Amodel and Art Models kits.

I keep my fingers crossed in order to have a positive answer (an also for a good weather during my visit - I came with a group of aviation enthusiasts from Belgium).

If I have time, I intend to visit also Khodinka (I've seen that this museum is in Moscow, not far from Dynamo metro station).

I hope to visit also other Military/Space Museums in Moscow ; do you have a list (with addresses and nearest metro stations).

Now I'm learning to read Cyrillic (unfortunately, I don't speak Russian, but I would like to learn for further visits in the future, because there are many interesting museums to visit in Russia).

Thanks for your help,

All the Best,

Hi Flateric,

There are many prototypes, so here's my list :

YAK 141

YAK 36 Freehand

YAK 25 RV (not a prototype but a "special" version)

Sukhoi T-4

Myasitchev M-50 Bounder

Sukhoi T-6

MIG Ye-166

Sukhoi T-58

TU 22 Backfire prototype

TU 16 Badger

Sukhoi T-10

Lavochkin LA-250

Aicraft 105-1

Bartini-beriev VVA - 14N1P

I know, the list is quite long, but during my three/four hours visit. I would like to have the authorisation to walk around these machines with great care and photograph a maximum of details.

As far as I known, we found many books (with walkaround photographs) about MIG 21, SU-27, MIG 29... But almost nothing (in terms on details) about prototypes.

So, these photographs are very important for detailling Amodel and Art Model kits.

Thanks for your help,

All the Best,

literally all then:)
OK, give me some time. I will PM you.

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