Mitsubishi-Payen Pa.400 Profiles


Aviation Artist
2 September 2008
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Here's a hypothetical profile of the Mitsubishi-Payen Pa.400 which I drew for Midland's Japanese Secret Projects book.

I hope you like it.

PS. The colours are based on a "Kate" bomber that participated in the Pearl Harbor attack, but missed its target.


  • Pa400_750x500.jpg
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For some reason I suddenly had an urge to turn this into a cow... :D
Don't ask why, I haven't a clue, but it had to be done.


  • Pa400_cow_750x500.jpg
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Cow seems somehow correct... perhaps for the Alaska campaign. ;D
Skyraider3D said:
For some reason I suddenly had an urge to turn this into a cow... :D
Don't ask why, I haven't a clue, but it had to be done.

Kind of reminds me of some of the color schemes used on the Eastern Front during WW II.......

Nice though.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
With the quite strange layout (planform and perspex cone in the extreme tail) this scheme
could well have been a reinvention of WW Is "dazzle paint", trying to make the enemy think,
that the aircraft is flying backwards. Remember, Nicolas Roland payen was once asked "
which direction this thing is supposed to fly ?" ;)
Cheers guys :)

It's quite a bizarre thing indeed.
Someone called it a Mickey Mouse plane, probably referring to the gimmicky layout. But even Mickey Mouse flew more conventional craft! ;D
I like it. As others have suggested, it looks strangely suited.
It would probably have a good chance of working in Alaska/Artic type theatre of operations.

Nice Ronnie.

Skyraider3D said:
So far for the background colour matching the forum... ::)

You're a few months late. The year of the Ox/Cow in Japan ended in February. ;)

Looks great, though. Both this and the Kate scheme.
Found this view of the Payen-Mitsubishi PA400 in a twenty year old edition of Skyways magazine (#22) which had an article on various Payen designs.


  • Payen-Mitsubishi_PA400_S22_Apr92.jpg
    134 KB · Views: 262
Thanks, that's an interesting drawing. Four guns in the stabiliser, an inlet cone... interesting features I've not seen before!

That nose wheel is interesting too...
Cy-27 said:
Found this view of the Payen-Mitsubishi PA400 in a twenty year old edition of Skyways magazine (#22) which had an article on various Payen designs.

Very nice, new to me too... But please bear in mind that we have Payen topics in the "Early" and "Postwar" sections for that kind of material.

The "User artwork" is normally meant for plans and illustrations done by our members — or by people found on the web sometimes. ;)
A brief history of origin of Mitsubishi - Payen

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