Missing: films from the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment during WW2


ACCESS: Confidential
26 October 2021
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Wonder what happened to the cans of cine film taken of trials at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment during WW2. I know Kew has black and white photographs. Some archive film of Highball trials does exist. Maybe the missing film is stored somewhere?
Like so much material over the intervening years, so many reasons, binned/stored to make space, or seen as of no further research interest/historical/technical value, or factory closure/takeover, or archive fire/flood/rot infestation/closure/weeding, or lost/aquired/stolen/binned ... so much material, so much gone :/
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Even if the film hasn't been lost it may no longer be usable due to being improperly stored and basically rotting away or too degraded to use.

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