Minor email delivery issues to specific ISPs

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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The forum software is having trouble delivering emails to a very small number of users. This is connected to an SMTP Blocklist called UCEPROTECTL3.

For those who don't know, UCEPROTECT is a blocklist run from Switzerland by a rather murky company who provide a 3 tier blocklist. Level 1 contains actual spammer IP addresses. Level 2 contains entire network subnets where one or more address has sent spam recently, and Level 3 (the one affecting the forum) lists entire companies when some address(es) associated to that company have sent spam.

What this means is, because the website hosted by Digital Ocean, and because every single IP address range belonging to Digital Ocean is listed in UCEPROTECT L3, anyone whose ISP / mail server is using UCEPROTECT Level 3 will reject email from the forum.

Now, oddly enough the nice people who make this blocklist have a solution - for a low monthly sum of 25 CHF you can buy your way onto a whitelist, which means your specific IP will be removed from their blocklist, providing you don't actually send spam to anyone.

Now, my forum mail is set up correctly, and is not listed by any other blacklist. I'm not willing to effectively cave to extortion, so a few people will be missing out on email notifications. Sorry, your ISP / mail provider is kind of an idiot for using this blocklist.
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