Military Power article in Air International by Bill Gunston

Mat Parry

ACCESS: Secret
25 January 2011
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after a lot of searching (I only hope EBay comes through this time!)

I considered posting in the Bill Gunston memorial thread however it is not my intention to be disrespectful to the late Mr. Gunston and that thread did not seem to be the appropriate place. I just wondered if anyone present here actually spoke to him about this particular issue post publication.

I have one theory, within my own organisation it is tradition for every senior scientist to write at least one jokey research proposal (obviously for internal circulation only, which admittedly is a significant difference to a published magazine). A memorable proposal was for a marine test platform for testing anti- corrosion (and other) properties of prototype coatings under high levels of UV. exposure, reading on it became evident that this test facility was to be moored in the harbour at Monte Carlo (due to the excellent prevailing UV. conditions of that locale). The test rig and was given the an acronym of the "FGP" (reading the footnotes it became clear the test rig was actually to be a yacht called "Floating Gin Palace")....

What we ended up with a raft in Bala Lake in North Wales. Even so we had some happy Summer days collecting data (and fish) on that raft

I wonder if "Military power" was a similar type of affair (January edition would seem to be a little premature for April 1st). any thoughts?

I have the whole article if you'd like a look at it.

I presume you mean this last page about ionisation? You need to bear in mind that around this time all sort of ideas were going about - AJAX, Leik Mirabou (??Sp. See me) etc etc. Bill probably saw a passing bandwagon and jumped on it for a Christmas bonus. Or perhaps got his pages mixed up and sent his Rowley Birkin sketch to Air Int instead of The Fast Show by mistake.

Crappy scan attached.



  • air_int_jan2000_P41.gif
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Yes it was the controversial conclusion of the article that I was referring to (most of which is captured by the scan from Chris)

Can I make a plea? My question was if anyone ever spoke to the late Mr Gunston about this article?

I would hope that we can avoid discussing the content of the article itself as this has been discussed and dismissed in other threads on this forum. ?
he actually had patents related to the field and as far as ı am aware was very vocal about Americans and their hiding something . Doesn't make him an UFO lunatic exactly , considering Ben Rich declared interstellar travel was a question solved -in theory and basic applications . No , he was not a lunatic either . All in all , they are trolling attempts to get people to talk . In the unlikely situation that basic Physics in the West got something wrong in the 1930s and lost track in the brohoura of the Atomic Bomb .

am not an UFO lunatic either .
Please share the relevant patent numbers with *Mr Gunston listed as an inventor. Because, I think you are mistaken.

Mat Parry said:
Can I make a plea? My question was if anyone ever spoke to the late Mr Gunston about this article?

I would hope that we can avoid discussing the content of the article itself as this has been discussed and dismissed in other threads on this forum. ?

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