Milan Aeronautical Salons - 1935 and 1937 - list of exhibited aircraft?


That now I am the Ruler of the Queen's Navee!
3 August 2009
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There is a beautiful site of Regione Lombardi, covering this events with a sets of photos.
Of course, Italian exhibitions have been most comprehensive. Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Poland and USSR presented their aviation-related products - from aircraft, engines to instruments and devices.

Links to the 1935 exhibition (keywords - Salone 1935)

Links to the 1937 exhibition (keywords - Salone 1937)

I'm looking for list of the aircraft, exhibited in Milan on 1st and 2nd "Salone internazionale aeronautico", that have been showed on 1935 and 1937, respectively.
More, precisely - list of Soviet aircraft. Perhaps, somewhere in Italian press there have been such data?


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Re: Milan Aeronautical Salons - 1935 and 1937 - list of aircraft?

Very interesting site indeed, thanks for pointing us to it !
Would be a task requiring great diligence, but probably worth it to store
and identify the shown aircraft. Several of them are designated just as
"Non identificato", but there may well be some gems amongst them.
Re: Milan Aeronautical Salons - 1935 and 1937 - list of aircraft?

You might take a look at the FLIGHT archives -- -- for contemporary reporting on the events that would likely includes lists of the participating manufacturers and their aircraft on display.
Re: Milan Aeronautical Salons - 1935 and 1937 - list of aircraft?

Hello Jemiba!
Jemiba said:
Very interesting site indeed, thanks for pointing us to it !
Would be a task requiring great diligence, but probably worth it to store
and identify the shown aircraft. Several of them are designated just as
"Non identificato", but there may well be some gems amongst them.

Glad to hear that!
At least this photos could give us look and feel of aviation show in Italy in middle-0th, just before and at the period of Civil War in Spain.
I think, that most "non-identified" images marked such because photographers didn't have a task to made a documentary presentation of "Salone".
There were a number very interesting aircraft on the images.

Although, my question is much simpler: what Soviet aircraft have been exhibited.
The answer for 1935' is relatively simple:
sporting Yakovlev AIR-9 - white monoplane with stripes on rudder,
passenger Putilov Stahl-3 - welded from stainless-steel, exhibited without outer fabric skin,
fighter Polikarpov I-16,
and some air-cooled engines.

Although, I couldn't find the Soviet exhibition of 1937' Salon - having a knowledge, that at least one Soviet aircraft -small flying boat "Hydro-1" has been showed.
By the way, this was aircraft, that established world-records, that still unbeaten!
Perhaps, no one try?

So, I'm looking for any Italian-based sources or opinions.

Hello, cluttonfred!

cluttonfred said:
You might take a look at the FLIGHT archives -- -- for contemporary reporting on the events that would likely includes lists of the participating manufacturers and their aircraft on display.

Thank you! I already seen the articles in Flight archive - they are interesting, but didn't even mention Soviet participation on shows.


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