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Interesting to read about the intake and engine challenges. P.1121 had  issues with its (very similar) intake even in static ground tests, and the similar (but upside down) F-107 intake also had major intake issues that were never solved. The two air channels feeding a single engine seems to have been part of the problem. Its probable a production Ye-8 would have a different intake design.

The MiG-21 already outperformed the F-4 at slow speeds handily, the Ye-8 would have improved somewhat subsonically due to the higher thrust/weight ratio, while also doubling allowable G at high speed and high altitude, This would probably be enough to ensure superiority over the F-4 at all speeds and altitudes and it would have reigned supreme until the F-15 /  F-16.

The USSR went totally the opposite way with the eventual MiG-23, initially limiting it to 5G to make the VG wings produceable and concentrating on BVR. It took considerable development to make even a half-way decent fighter out of it.

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