Mig 7.01

Superb, thanks again!

Tease on! Tease on! Wonderful renderings from you on several topics. Thanks.
What a beauty! Blended wing body double delta. It must be a super cruiser. We can appreciate it's sharp configuration only by Jozef's 3D model!
Indeed it has no trace of Mikoyan heritage, looking much more like a Sukhoi design.
Isn't it supposedly based on a Su design? One of the T-60S relatives?

overscan said:
Indeed it has no trace of Mikoyan heritage, looking much more like a Sukhoi design.
Jozef , would you please post more renderings of the MiG 70.1. I am sure I speak not just for myself.
I'm working on it. I'm not fully satisfied with last pictures and I migrate Mig 7.01's model it in my next renderer (Vue Infinite) and I will try to do them there.
We have Sc 1 :) and Sc 3, :) both of which are marvelous. Sc 2 ??? ??? ??? :(
Well, very nice pictures and a beatiful aircraft in any case.
Er... wasn't the T-60s concept referred to actually a mislabelled 7.01? ;)
Very nice concept. I'd like to see one with TV nozzles and twin canted tails. By the way have you published renderings of the NG 2018 bomber project... the one that looks like the X-47?
Again, your work makes me jealous, thanks :D
What for heavy long-range interceptor needs thrust vectoring?
Low drag manouvering at supersonic cruise speeds? Elimination of vertical tail to save weight (and drag)?
Wow, very nice Jozef! My compliments on your skills and talent! And of course ...we want more!
What for heavy long-range interceptor needs thrust vectoring?

I'm assuming that the dorsal mounted inlet is to reduce RCS, and therefor wondering about the single vertical ( 90deg. corner reflector)stab. as far as TV, Overscan is right... and they can also reduce RCS. Don't get me wrong, love the image, just wondering.
I also have Carrara; but your work is proof that it's the skill of the artist rather than the quality of the software that matters.

Do you model in Carrara as well as render, Josef?
As modeller I use Rhinoceros 3. Its NURBS are excellent.
I have two renders - Carrara 5 Pro and Vue 6 Infinite (but long years I used freeware PovRay). Carrara is very fast but needs backgrounds from other sources. Vue is fantastic landscape engine but it is relatively slower.
kilokb said:
What for heavy long-range interceptor needs thrust vectoring?

I'm assuming that the dorsal mounted inlet is to reduce RCS, and therefor wondering about the single vertical ( 90deg. corner reflector)stab. as far as TV, Overscan is right... and they can also reduce RCS. Don't get me wrong, love the image, just wondering.

The design apparently isn't meant to have "all-around" stealth. But from the forward hemisphere, especially against ground-based radars, it should have a very low RCS indeed. Considering the range at which this aircraft would engage targets, would all-around stealth and TVC be worth the additional cost and complexity? It seems Mikoyan didn't think so.

Either way, the renderings are spectacular.

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