Mig-31F Strike Version


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17 December 2020
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Greetings all,

I read somewhere about mig developing, or at least designing a strike bomber variant of the foxhound, anyone got any ideas?
There was also the MiG-31FE variant:

In 1995, at the 41st International Air Show in Le Bourget, the MiG Aircraft Scientific and Production Complex (MiG ANPK) presented yet another MiG-31 derivative design - the MiG-31FE multipurpose frontline fighter featuring an improved weapons suite and new avionics. Such an aircraft is supposed to operate the majority of the air-to-surface missiles currently in service with the Russian Air Force (RusAF). The Kh-31P and Kh-25MP missiles are to become the main ground radar killers while the Kh-31A anti-ship active radar homing missiles will engage naval surface targets. Tactical air-to-surface guided weapons are going to include two Kh-59M missiles or three Kh-59 TV command guidance missiles or three lighter Kh-29L/T missiles. Instead of the missiles the aircraft can carry smart bombs - three KAB-1500L/TKs or 8 KAB-500Kr bombs - should the need arise. The laser and TV equipment of the air-to-surface weapons control system will be accommodated in an external pod. The maximal warload weight is to reach 9,000 kg (6 FAB-1500 bombs).MiG-31FE
To kill aerial targets, the MiG-31FE will further operate the Zaslon radar, long-range missiles R-33, the RVV-AE medium-range missiles and R-73 short-range missiles. With a mixed variant of armament, the aircraft will carry both types of the weapons (for example, four Kh-31s and four RVV-AEs), with belly-mounted air-to-surface missiles and the air-to-air missiles mounted under the wings. As to the configuration, design and power plant, the MiG-31FE differs but slightly from the series MiG-31 aircraft. The MiG-31FE maximal take-off weight grew up to 50 tonnes, the range in a subsonic mode is 2,500 km (with external fuel tanks - 3,000 km), in a supersonic mode - 1,200 km. At the customer's request, there can be western weapons and avionics installed and integrated with the Russian systems.
There was also the MiG-31FE variant:

In 1995, at the 41st International Air Show in Le Bourget, the MiG Aircraft Scientific and Production Complex (MiG ANPK) presented yet another MiG-31 derivative design - the MiG-31FE multipurpose frontline fighter featuring an improved weapons suite and new avionics. Such an aircraft is supposed to operate the majority of the air-to-surface missiles currently in service with the Russian Air Force (RusAF). The Kh-31P and Kh-25MP missiles are to become the main ground radar killers while the Kh-31A anti-ship active radar homing missiles will engage naval surface targets. Tactical air-to-surface guided weapons are going to include two Kh-59M missiles or three Kh-59 TV command guidance missiles or three lighter Kh-29L/T missiles. Instead of the missiles the aircraft can carry smart bombs - three KAB-1500L/TKs or 8 KAB-500Kr bombs - should the need arise. The laser and TV equipment of the air-to-surface weapons control system will be accommodated in an external pod. The maximal warload weight is to reach 9,000 kg (6 FAB-1500 bombs).MiG-31FE
To kill aerial targets, the MiG-31FE will further operate the Zaslon radar, long-range missiles R-33, the RVV-AE medium-range missiles and R-73 short-range missiles. With a mixed variant of armament, the aircraft will carry both types of the weapons (for example, four Kh-31s and four RVV-AEs), with belly-mounted air-to-surface missiles and the air-to-air missiles mounted under the wings. As to the configuration, design and power plant, the MiG-31FE differs but slightly from the series MiG-31 aircraft. The MiG-31FE maximal take-off weight grew up to 50 tonnes, the range in a subsonic mode is 2,500 km (with external fuel tanks - 3,000 km), in a supersonic mode - 1,200 km. At the customer's request, there can be western weapons and avionics installed and integrated with the Russian systems.
Amazing! Thank you!, u guess the FE can also carry unguided munitions?
The MiG-31FE would be a standoff strike, high value asset (think Su-34) so dumb bombs and rocket pods would be a waste. If you can carry 8 KAB-500Kr you could carry 8 unguided FAB-500s if you wanted to I guess.
The MiG-31FE would be a standoff strike, high value asset (think Su-34) so dumb bombs and rocket pods would be a waste. If you can carry 8 KAB-500Kr you could carry 8 unguided FAB-500s if you wanted to I guess.
Makes sense, so rather than a “strike” aircraft in the sense of the Fitter, or Fencer, it’s more fire a guided weapon against this command centre. Interesting! I did read the Russian navy employ Mig-31BM with anti ship missions.

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