MiG-31 hull at 153 rubles ($4.9)! Is somebody interested?


Multiuniversal creator
13 February 2006
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MOSCOW, August 6 (RIA Novosti) - Russian investigators in Nizhny Novgorod have opened a criminal case into the illegal sale of MiG-31 Foxhound aircraft hulls at $5 instead of $3.7 million, the Prosecutor General's Office said Thursday.

The sale came to light after an anti-corruption check was carried out to see whether regulations were followed during the sale of items from the Sokol Aircraft Construction plant located in the Russian Volga city of Nizhny Novgorod.

Prosecutors said that in October 2006 - July 2007, unidentified officials from the local department of the Agency for State Reserves unlawfully included four MiG-31 hulls (without engines and weapons) into a list of sale items.

"As a result, long-range supersonic interceptor aircraft that were not for sale were purchased by a dummy firm, Metalsnab, which was not entitled to trade in arms and military hardware," prosecutors said.

The asking price of the MiG-31 hulls was significantly undervalued by a local valuation company.

According to the valuation report one hull was valued at 153 rubles ($4.9) - this initial price was accepted during bidding and the MiGs were sold at this price. However, one hull actually costs around 116 million rubles ($3.7 million).


:eek: Probably this is the way, how the Syria gets its fighters...
Despite sometimes persistent reports to the contrary, neither Syria, Iran, nor China have any MiG-31s in service, or even in country for that matter.
I know, but in early 2007 Syria ordered eight MiG-31 fighters (the value of the contract was estimated between 400 - 500 mil USD), but the deliveries were in the last weeks stopped by Russia. Probably because of the strong lobbing of the Israel or because Syria was not able to pay them according to the contract. The official reason is the statement, that "the delivery could cause the destabilisation of the forces in the region".

So I start to speculate...

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