Mig-31 and Su-27 speed limit when loaded with missiles.


ACCESS: Top Secret
19 July 2019
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Long time ago, in keypublishing discussion, there was an aerodynamic engineer who mentioned that a Flanker fully loaded with air to air missile will be limited to Mach 1.7
Do anyone have a hold of Su-27 manual which mention this limit?. Will this limit affect Su-35 as well?.


Second question, I remember reading in Mig-25 manual that its speed is limited to Mach 2.35 when loaded with 4 KAB-500 bomb. Does Mig-31 have similar limit with R-33/37?
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The manual for the MiG-31 is not available
The flight profile of the MiG-31 to intercept a high-speed high-flying target. The speed does not exceed M = 2.35. This is probably due to ensuring the flight range

Four missiles under the fuselage do not significantly affect the aerodynamics of the interceptor. 12 pylons and 12 missiles in the Su-27 stream certainly reduce the maximum speed.


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Su-27: 2 R-73 at points 7, 8 and two R-27ER at points 1,2 - without speed limits
Thank you, that is the Russian manual?.
To be honest, the data is so surprising to me. With just 6 R-73 on the wing, Su-27 is limited to 1300 km/h aka Mach 1.2 ???. That is insanely slow. Even an F-16 have no issue reaching Mach 2 with 6 AIM-120, it can even reach Mach 1.6 with 370 gallons tank. How come the speed restriction of Su-27 is so horrible?
This is IAS (Indicated Air Speed), the true speed TAS (True Air Speed) is much higher. IMHO
The MiG-31 has a maximum true speed no higher than that of the MiG-25, but the maximum instrument speed is already 1500 km / h, for the MiG-25 it was only 1150 km/h
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I'm not sure. But the thrust-to-weight ratio of modern fighters is such that it does not limit their maximum speed. I looked at the manual for the Su-27SK and found no other speed limits. Therefore, there is nothing to prove yet.
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