
ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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Trying to find the earliest year the MiG-21 received the SPS-141 ECM pod, and ASO-2 chaff/flare dispensers.

First, for the SPS-141 there is the only the vague 1970s period usually mentioned online. But is there info as to what year exactly did the SPS-141 (SM-1 or SPS-141-100?) became operational on the MiG-21? The earliest and visually different SPS-141 for Su-7BKL became operational in 1970 apparently.

Also did the SPS-141-100/SM-1 had the ASO-2 dispensers fitted to the rear from the start, or were retrofitted later, and if so, when?

Regarding the ASO-2, my understanding is that it was already operational on the MiG-21R (carried at the back of the recce pod) as early as 1968 or even 1967 (!) as the photos i will link to below will show. Was the ASO-2 actually present on the MiG-21R from the start of prodction ie 195-66? It seems the soviets were sitting on quite a revolution in fighter self-defence and didn't knew it (presumably as later examples show, it wouldn't have been too difficult to fit the MiG, Sukhois etc with bolt-on ASO-2 dispensers already from late 60s-early 70s.)

Now some links, very interesting details about and showing the ASO-2 on MiG-21R here
Details on SPS-141 for Su-7BKL
And here a good overview of the SPS-141 family (but lacking the specific dates i'm after)

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