Finally got a new scanner with a document feeder, allowing me to scan in big documents far faster than before. One of the first ones I've done is “P1100 Baubeshreibungen fur Bomber,” a 93 page Messerschmitt report dated 22-3-1944 describing the P1100 design. This was a Me 262 jet fighter with a wholly new fuselage, to serve as either a bomber (with a small tandem canopy) or as a destroyer (with a larger side-by-side canopy and a nose turret). The report has some pretty good drawings of these designs.
As I am both greedy *and* unemployed (fricken' corporate world...
), I've posted this up on Ebay first. If you bid at the starting price and win, it'll be cheaper than it'll be when/if it eventually goes on my website....
As I am both greedy *and* unemployed (fricken' corporate world...