Messerschmitt "KRACH"


ACCESS: Top Secret
28 January 2008
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Hi everybody

Is there somebody who knows more about the Messerschmitt "KRACH" it should be a unmanned remote control rocket fighter armed with eight 55mm R4M rockets. It was built at the Holzbau Kissing in Sonthofen / Germany
My Source: Link removed
Should it be a variant of the Anti-Aircraft Rocket ENZIAN or Me-163 KOMET ?

Honestly, I wouldn't put too much faith in this "source", mixing flying discs and ray guns with
some real projects, like the multi-chamber gun, or the Wasserfall missile.
Of course, I know, it's just an attempt by the author, to divede facts from fiction, but
for me, the first sentence says all about the intention of this site: "During and especially
at the end WWII there where quantum leaps in the german technology .... "

oh boy not that again

this PDF is a Mixture of Real project and komplet nonsence stuff

truh is that SS-Obergruppenführer Dr Hans Kammler
(He in charge of the V-2 missile, the Mittelwerk facility, Messerschmitt Me 262 programme.)
but he was also „Sonderbeauftragter des Führers für Strahlenwaffen“ = "Envoy of the Fuhrers for Energy Weapons"

The US or England dint' find any engery wapon build by Nazi
no Railguns, no Engine stop gun, no engine that work on water.
the rest of text is real programs like V-3 gun, Natter, A-9/A-10, V-2 Projekt „Schwimmweste“ etc
and there even they have errors

for Nazi Atombome look here,3247.0.html

form my part its PDF is for trashcan on my Apple desktop
Sorry for my last Source but I did not meant the other crazy Stuff
I only mean the Messerschmitt Krach


"no Railguns..."

Well, it seems like some kind of electric railgun was actually found by the Allies:

It suspect that the designer must have been a German engineer named Hansler.
It is a myth created by the bad understanding of German language by the Italian author Renato Vesco. Please see the original page from his book “Intercept but don’t shoot”.
Actually “Krache” is “Kranich” an Ruhrstahl AG acoustic fuze used in the Messerschmitt “Enzian” missile. “Donner” is “Dogge” a homing device developed for the X-4 air to air missile.

The E-4 version has a conventional warhead filled with 300 kg HE. The E-5 version (supersonic) had a conic warhead containing 550 small “Pfeil” rockets of 20 mm (not 55 mm R4M).
Please see data page from “German Explosive Ordnance”
After the War Bölkow had a Project called Bölkow 110.1.
It was a unmanned Vtol Tailsitter armed with Sidewinders.


Please don't mix up the authors of the site with the 'creators' of Nazi postwar bullshit. They don't like to see the product of their work mentioned beside 'Kugelblitz' etc. :mad:
Please see attached pages


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Hi everybody

Now is all clear! Thank you Justo for your very good help
Have you got some Pictures from the Enzian E-5 ?
Thanks in advance
to boxkite:I would not like to insult anybody so I had removed the Link.
Re: Railgun

FarSight said:
"no Railguns..."

Well, it seems like some kind of electric railgun was actually found by the Allies:

It suspect that the designer must have been a German engineer named Hansler.

Plese see attached some text and drawing by myself


  • Electric gun-1.jpg
    Electric gun-1.jpg
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  • Escanear0003.jpg
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Electromagnetic accelerator

Thank you, Justo!

This is rapidly going off-topic, but would you happen to have any information about US or British experiments with similar equipment during the war?

During or immediately after the war US experimented with a device named Electropult which was an electromagnetic accelerator for aircraft. I also remember that British were playing with the concept of electromagnetic launcher.
More on Rigsby's Coilgun.


  • O-1079466116-ZODa@i9w.jpg
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Thanks for the beautiful picture of the Enzian E-4 and E-5
Many greetings
Re: Electromagnetic accelerator

FarSight said:
This is rapidly going off-topic, but would you happen to have any information about US or British experiments with similar equipment during the war?

Unknown for me

Hi everyone

Dear Justo
Do you have a picture of the Special Warhead for the ENZIAN E-4 or E-5 with 550 little Rockets ?
What about these Pfeil rockets?

Thanks in advance
Hi Justo,
regarding the drawing of the Enzian E-5 in your posing #10 (and also illustrated in one of your books) - does there exist any original drawing of the E-5 version (at least in a BIOS or CIOS report)?

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