Season's Greetings 2023

Dear Everyone.

My sincere best wishes to you all for a Great Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year. And once again, thank you for your support for my work during the year. It is appreciated so very much.

FYI - I am about half way through writing "US Expt Fighters of WW2', with delivery due in May. After that, I intend to start my revision of 'American Secret Projects: Jet Fighters' for the second edition. That should complete the updates of all of my early books.

Let's start this with our traditional Christmas message from Tony Buttler.
In a few days the forum will be 18 years old. It's seen different software and many different hosting companies and versions of Linux. I am waiting on the release of Xenforo 2.3 to do an upgrade to the forum. I will be possibly moving providers and upgrading the base server to a new OS once again.

Thanks to all forum members, old and new. Without your posts, the site would long ago have withered and died.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, and Happy 18th Birthday! to Secret Projects Forum.
Hi everybody,
I know I'm not the most "talkative" member. I use to shut-up when I've nothing to say, and I read a lot of what you post, discover and learn a lot of thing thanks to you guys.
This is a nice place with cool people.
Thank you very much to you all and I wish you a merry Christmas!
Christmas Day is nearly over and I spent it with friends and the true rulers of the universe.
This site has been an important part of my life for more years than I care to remember. People from across the globe have taught me so much and I know no other reference site on line where this kind of knowledge is available.
The kindness of strangers is often all that stands between us and calamity. Strangers here enrich our lives and even become friends we sometimes meet. 2024 bring it on!


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