Merry Christmas from Tony Buttler

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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Dear All.

Just wanted to send a Christmas message with my great thanks once again for the membership's support during the year. I can assure you it is always much appreciated!

Thought I had better give a bit of an update as well if I may.

First, Alan and I are hoping that Crecy will begin work on American Secret Projects WW2 pretty soon. In addition I have to deliver the second volume of X-Planes of Europe to Crecy in March (it is currently about 70% written), so those new titles should be out well before the end of next year.

You may also like to know that I have just had a small piece published in Air-Britain's Aeromilitaria magazine on the Westland P.13 and P.14 projects leading to the Welkin. (Chris G is also doing some good stuff for that magazine now!).

Very best wishes to you all for a marvellous Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.

PaulMM (Overscan) said:
You may also like to know that I have just had a small piece published in Air-Britain's Aeromilitaria magazine on the Westland P.13 and P.14 projects leading to the Welkin. (Chris G is also doing some good stuff for that magazine now!).

Very good news, too !

Merry Christmas and all the best !
Me too

It always a joy to read Tony Buttler books

so Merry Christmas to him the rest of his team, what include this Forum ;D
Late, but hopefully not least,

merry Christmas to Mr. Tony Butler and his team! :)
Looking forward to his new books in 2015! B)

In the meantime, for all French reading or understanding members, there is an article by Tony Butler about the F.155T & OR.329 Interceptors in the January 2015 issue of the French magazine "Le Fana de l'Aviation No.542", page 31-36.
Here a quick screenshot as an appetiser; the pages are in false order. ;)


  • Screenshot_F.155T & OR.329 Interseptors_Le Fana de l'Aviation No.542_pages31-36_810x751.png
    Screenshot_F.155T & OR.329 Interseptors_Le Fana de l'Aviation No.542_pages31-36_810x751.png
    883.5 KB · Views: 92
Looks like an adaptation of Tony's 1996 article "Futile Rivals" from Air Enthusiast rather than a newly written one. The pictures are mostly known ones from there or the Secret Projects series.

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